Homeschooling While Working

Working while homeschooling can be as difficult and as rewarding as you want to make it. Both of them take commitment, dedication, and the ability to compartmentalize time. I started a business while in the throes of homeschooling in order to help my husband financially with our family and to encourage other homeschooling parents. But
Hey Mama,   I don’t know about you, but this could be a common lament at my house: “Help, I ran out of time to do everything I planned!” In my zoo (otherwise known as a family–grin), that’s a common problem. I can make all kinds of plans, but real life all too often steps
You wear so many hats as a homeschooling parent: instructor, referee, maker of disciples, cook, driver, nurse, life skills coach. Hats off to you! As your teen begins to resemble the adult he or she will very soon become, you add the important hat of guidance counselor. You know the skills and interests of your
Are you taking a family vacation this year? Would you like to sneak a little learning in? No matter where you are going, this family learning experience will be fun for the whole family and will give you something to keep memories alive for years to come. Gather the Materials Start with an empty scrapbook.