Episode 35: Generational Homeschooling / Second Generation Homeschoolers

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Generational Homeschooling / Second Generation Homeschoolers

The seeds you plant today as you homeschool will bear fruit in the next generation. Hear more good news from Deborah Wuehler as she shares wisdom from over thirty years of homeschooling in Episode 35 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show: Generational Homeschooling/Second Generation Homeschoolers.


Connect with God’s Word 

Psalm 78 is a wonderful, generational Psalm to hold on to for your homeschool philosophy or mission statement. 

“Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;

    incline your ears to the words of my mouth!

I will open my mouth in a parable;

    I will utter dark sayings from of old,

things that we have heard and known,

    that our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

    but tell to the coming generation

the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might,

    and the wonders that He has done.

He established a testimony in Jacob

    and appointed a law in Israel,

which He commanded our fathers

    to teach to their children,

that the next generation might know them,

    the children yet unborn,

and arise and tell them to their children,

    so that they should set their hope in God

and not forget the works of God,

    but keep his commandments.” (Psalm 78:1–7 ESV)

“. . . Gather the people to Me, that I may let them hear my words, so that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children so.” (Deuteronomy 4:10 ESV)

Connect with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine 

For more on today’s topic, click on the links to these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:

Connect with the TOS App

Start the school year off with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine on hand. The Fall issue is easy to find. It’s on the TOS App now along with dozens of back issues full of timeless topics, and it’s all free. Read up on higher ed prep and college alternatives, foreign exchange students and foreign language study, adaptive technology, and more. Help is on hand wherever your homeschool takes you. HomeschoolApp.com. Here’s another place to find the Fall issue (and years of back issues): our Digital Magazine Library. Read free here too. New issues every quarter. 

“As grandparents, we have such an incredible opportunity to just pour the love of God and the word of God into our grandkids. It’s a beautiful thing.” —Deborah Wuehler

Connect with SchoolhouseTeachers.com 

“Creation shouts the glory of God, and I want to pass that on as well.” —Deborah Wuehler

Does your student have a love for the outdoors? With the Nature and Outdoors Homeschool Science Course from SchoolhouseTeachers.com, students study birds, wildflowers, rainbows, mosquitoes, wild birds, coyotes, migration, fungi, bears, ants, and more. Through fourteen educational units, homeschool students watch videos, complete journaling assignments, and experiment with hands-on activities. 

Over 400 other course options are available for SchoolhouseTeachers.com members. SchoolhouseTeachers.com offers high-quality Christian education. It’s a one-stop source for  every grade, every subject, and every student.  

Connect all Year Long

It’s not too late to help your teen tame a wild high school schedule with their own interactive digital planner from The Old Schoolhouse®. Your high schooler can track credit requirements, plan for the future, and stay on top of assignments—all while learning organization skills. The 2023–2024 Schoolhouse SmartMama Planner HIGH SCHOOL version includes: GPA calculating form, transcript templates, logs for books read, monthly articles by teens, Bible reading schedule, and prayer journal, plus more. Just $34. Free to download for SchoolhouseTeachers.com members. (Mama, do you have your planner for the school year yet? There’s a Schoolhouse SmartMama Planner for you too! It’s also free for SchoolhouseTeachers.com members.)

The Canadian Schoolhouse brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse® schoolhouse image on top of a maple leaf

Connect with The Canadian Schoolhouse

Here are some resources, especially for our Canadian listeners. Follow these links and find community, support, and even more resources from The Canadian Schoolhouse, brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse.®.

Passing on Homemaking Skills

Family Kitchen Time – Sharing Traditions

Connect with The Homeschool Minute

Spend a minute with your friends from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine!

The Homeschool Minute is a weekly eNewsletter for anyone homeschooling or considering starting. It’s brief yet packed with a powerful dose of encouragement to keep you going strong in your commitment to your family and to the Lord. Subscribe to the free homeschool newsletter.

Connect with Upcoming Episodes

New episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show are released every Monday. Check back right here for show notes and links at HomeschoolShow.com. Here’s what you can look forward to next:  

  • 10/2/23: Episode 36—“Is Internet Learning a Good Thing? What Are My Options?” hosted by Heather Vogler of The Old Schoolhouse®
  • 10/9/23: Episode 37—“Reaching Your Rebel’s Heart” hosted by Stephanie Morrison of The Canadian Schoolhouse
  • 10/16/23: Episode 38—“Raising Boys; Raising Girls” hosted by Christine Weller of SchoolhouseTeachers.com and The Canadian Schoolhouse and 

Questions or comments on the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast? We’d love to hear from you at HomeschoolShow@TheOldSchoolhouse.com.

Connect with Resources Mentioned in Today’s Podcast

In today’s episode, Deborah mentioned free resources from The Homeschool Store 

on the topic of homeschooling a rebel. 

A Prayer for Homeschools

“Thank you, Father, for this time. 

Thank you for each family that is represented here that is taking on the education of the hearts of your children. 

They’re yours, God. 

We just want to steward them well for you, so give us wisdom. 

Give us wisdom. 

Help us to remember that what we are doing today is going to last generationally—that the seeds we plant will be bearing fruit in this generation and the next and the next. 

Help us not to forget you. 

Help us to speak your Word into our children’s lives and hearts. 

Thank you for your blessing, generationally, over home-educating families. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” —Deborah Wuehler

Recent Show Notes

Episode 102: Looking Back

Episode 102: Looking Back

Have you joined us for all 102 episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show? Today our three hosts, Stephanie Morrison, Christine Weller, and Deborah Wuehler reminiscence about their favorite episodes and those they found to be the most impactful. In Episode 102 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show, find out if your favorite podcast episode
Episode 101: Starting Back after the Holidays
Whether you start back after the holidays with your normal homeschool routine or you take days one subject at time, Deborah Wuehler offers advice from her personal experience and from trusted resources. In Episode 101 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show, listen to Deborah discuss winter projects and goals for the new year. Connections Connect
Episode 100: Home. Where They Belong.

Episode 100: Home. Where They Belong.

Find out why Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse® believes that home is where children truly belong. At home parents can teach their children the Commandments, the importance of prayer, and develop familial relationships. Learn more in Episode 100 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show when you listen today. Connections Connect with God’s Word Connect
Episode 99: A Christmas Story

Episode 99: A Christmas Story

How do you honor Christmas with your family? Join Christine Weller of The Old Schoolhouse® as she shares the Christmas story. Find ideas to focus on the birth of Jesus during this special season and more in Episode 99 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show. Connections Connect with God’s Word Luke 2  Connect with The

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).