Episode 69: Narration, Dictation, and Living Books, Oh My!

Join Christine Weller of The Old Schoolhouse® as she explains how you can incorporate narration, dictation, and living books into your homeschool journey. In Episode 69 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show, you will learn more about how to narrate, the art of dictation, and what qualifies as a “living book.” Join us for another exciting episode with “Narration, Dictation, and Living Books, Oh My!”
Connect with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
For more on narration, dictation, and living books, click on the links to these recent articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
- Narration: A Big Homeschool How-To
- Writing the Short Story
- Mason-Inspired Methods for Teaching Writing
- How to Recognize a Living Book
- Love to Learn: Learning through Living Books
Connect with the TOS App
Do you have the new and enhanced TOS App? It’s the hub for homeschooling. You can access all The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine articles—and more—wherever you go, whenever you need them. Search for homeschooling topics important to you. You’ll find curriculum choices, resources, homeschool advice, help, and encouragement. The app content is updated weekly. The TOS App is now better than ever, and it’s free. You can find the TOS App on Google Play or download at the App Store today!
Connect with HomeschoolingFinds.com
At The Old Schoolhouse®, we’re all homeschoolers, and we love connecting the homeschool community. At HomeschoolingFinds.com, we share homeschool product evaluations and valuable homeschool encouragement and advice. Over the years, we have published a number of articles on narration, dictation, and living books in connection to Charlotte Mason.
- How Charlotte Mason Transformed My Homeschool
- Why Charlotte Mason Narration Is Better than Traditional Tests
- Living Books and Charlotte Mason
Connect with SchoolhouseTeachers.com
Have you ever wondered what Charlotte Mason homeschooling is? Don’t worry! You’re not alone. Fortunately, SchoolhouseTeachers.com is here to help with the Charlotte Mason Homeschool Help Center.
The Charlotte Mason Method is a style of homeschooling based on the teaching style and principles of the nineteenth-century educator Charlotte Mason. In this style of education, children are active learners, engaged in the exploration and adventure of learning.
A number of the courses at SchoolhouseTeachers.com include a Charlotte Mason component. At the Charlotte Mason Center, you will find a list of all the courses that contain a Charlotte Mason component.

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Connect with Upcoming Episodes
New episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show are released every Monday. Check back right here for show notes and links at HomeschoolShow.com. Here’s what you can look forward to next:
- 5/27/24: Episode 70—“How Do I Teach Financial Stewardship?” hosted by Christine Weller of The Old Schoolhouse®
- 6/3/24: Episode 71—“The Trials and Triumphs of Teaching Writing” hosted by Christine Weller of The Old Schoolhouse®
- 6/10/24: Episode 72—“Divine Interruptions: The Best Teaching Moments” hosted by Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse®
Questions or comments on the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast? We’d love to hear from you at HomeschoolShow@TheOldSchoolhouse.com.