How to Start Homeschooling with The Old Schoolhouse® Resources

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How to Start Homeschooling with The Old Schoolhouse®

Making the Decision to Homeschool Day 1 

Is it time to pull your kids out of public school? Do you feel the tug to keep them home? Making the decision to homeschool is an important decision for your family, but you don’t have to do this alone. The Old Schoolhouse® family brings you the information and encouragement you need to take those first steps on your homeschooling journey. Get answers to your questions and more by viewing our replay of Day 1 of How to Start Homeschooling with The Old Schoolhouse®. 

Find the agenda for Making the Decision and learn more about our speakers and guests at

Exploring the Reasons Why We Homeschool 

The reasons why families choose to homeschool are varied and very different. Look into the history of homeschooling and be reminded of why families choose to homeschool with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. And if you don’t know of any local homeschooling families, The Old Schoolhouse® with and The Canadian Schoolhouse offer resources to help you know where to start! 

Resources and More 

How to Get Started: Building Your Foundation Day 2

Have you made your decision to homeschool your children but not sure how to get started? The Old Schoolhouse® family shares the resources you need to start off strong, along with encouragement from veteran homeschoolers who understand this part of the journey. We’ll help you build a strong foundation so you have the confidence to homeschool successfully. View the replay of Day 2 of How to Start Homeschooling with The Old Schoolhouse®. 

Find the agenda for How to Get Started: Building Your Foundation and learn more about our speakers and guests at

Finding Your Community 

Once you make the decision to homeschool you might wonder where you will find support and a community. The Old Schoolhouse® offers several easy-to-connect-with support groups, Schoolhouse Ambassadors, and even the ability to download your own “Considering Homeschooling Info-Pak” from

Or you can start your own Schoolhouse and build your own community in your neighborhood. Connect with like-minded families in your area by starting or joining a twice-weekly Schoolhouse. Exclusive to members, your local Schoolhouse provides an outlet and opportunity for your children to complete the necessary curriculum and lesson plans, preschool through high school—together. You don’t need to homeschool alone. 

Where is Your Schoolhouse?

Planning the Day

Don’t know what homeschooling style you want to try in your homeschool? There are so many great options. Take a quiz with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine to see which homeschool style you lean towards. Then read more about different approaches with The Canadian Schoolhouse and finally dig deeper using the resources listed below. 

Charlotte Mason 

Take a look into a Charlotte Mason homeschool with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

Learn about living books and the Charlotte Mason homeschool style with

Teach your preschooler using a Charlotte Mason-inspired class from

Classical Education

What is Classical Education? Read about it with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine and

There are many resources available if you wish to take the Classical approach to homeschooling. Read more about Memoria Press and Cross Seven Musical Memory with 


What does a day look like in the home of an eclectic homeschooler? Find out in an article from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

Read more about what an eclectic homeschool looks like and why it works for one family at What is Eclectic Homeschooling?  

Unit Studies, Lapbooks, and Notebooking 

One way to approach your homeschooling is to utilize unit studies, lapbooks, or notebooking for your subjects. How do you decide which approach to take? And do you use pre-written unit studies or notebooking courses or write your own? You have so many choices! No matter which one you choose, your children will be able to dig deeper into subjects that interest them like Kristin shared in The Canadian Schoolhouse article What Walter the Frog Taught Me about Teaching Science.

Resources and More 

Do you need supplements for your homeschool lessons? provides free printable charts to help your lessons go more smoothly. Learn about the different forms of poetry, study the states and their capitals, and more. 

How to Start Homeschooling with The Old Schoolhouse®

How to Stay on Track Day 3 

Do you ever wonder if you’d be able to stay on track if you were to start homeschooling today? Homeschooling is a wonderful journey with your family, but there will be tough moments along the way. Listen to homeschoolers who can tell you their stories about sticking to it through the tough times and benefits they’ve seen because they pushed through. Watch the replay of Day 3 and be encouraged as you make your decision to keep your children home.

Find the agenda for How to Stay on Track and learn more about our speakers and guests at

Books and Verses of the Bible for Encouragement

  • Hebrews 11 
  • Habakkuk 2:2–3
  • Proverbs 6:3 
  • Proverbs

Finding Your Community 

The Old Schoolhouse® offers many ways to help you connect with your community from The Homeschool Minute delivered to your email inbox weekly to conventions where you can meet the owners, Paul and Gena Suarez. You can bring encouragement and advice with you on the go by downloading the TOS App or by listening to the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast weekly. 

If you are planning for the new school year, The Old Schoolhouse® can help you connect with homeschooling resources and curriculum. Through the digital magazine and, you can discover new curriculum or be reintroduced to favorites from the past. 

Remember Your Why

Why did you decide to homeschool? Sometimes it can be hard to remember the why on difficult homeschooling days. Today Stephanie Morrision of The Canadian Schoolhouse shares why she chose to homeschool as well as numerous resources you can use in your homeschool. 

Avoid Common Homeschool Mistakes 

  • Don’t try to recreate public school at home.
  • Avoid the comparison trap. 
  • Change the curriculum or material if you need to. 
  • There will be hard homeschooling days. 
  • Take the time you need for your child to master a concept. 
  • You can learn along with your children. 

Resources and More 

Recent Show Notes

Episode 102: Looking Back

Episode 102: Looking Back

Have you joined us for all 102 episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show? Today our three hosts, Stephanie Morrison, Christine Weller, and Deborah Wuehler reminiscence about their favorite episodes and those they found to be the most impactful. In Episode 102 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show, find out if your favorite podcast episode
Episode 101: Starting Back after the Holidays
Whether you start back after the holidays with your normal homeschool routine or you take days one subject at time, Deborah Wuehler offers advice from her personal experience and from trusted resources. In Episode 101 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show, listen to Deborah discuss winter projects and goals for the new year. Connections Connect
Episode 100: Home. Where They Belong.

Episode 100: Home. Where They Belong.

Find out why Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse® believes that home is where children truly belong. At home parents can teach their children the Commandments, the importance of prayer, and develop familial relationships. Learn more in Episode 100 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show when you listen today. Connections Connect with God’s Word Connect
Episode 99: A Christmas Story

Episode 99: A Christmas Story

How do you honor Christmas with your family? Join Christine Weller of The Old Schoolhouse® as she shares the Christmas story. Find ideas to focus on the birth of Jesus during this special season and more in Episode 99 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show. Connections Connect with God’s Word Luke 2  Connect with The

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).