Preparing for the Future

Do you have a middle school student who wants to earn some money but maybe doesn’t know where to start? Enjoy Career Exploration with Carol Topp. Through this eight-week series that includes informative articles, self-inventory worksheets, relevant websites, and true stories, students can explore career possibilities, discover their talents and interests, and discern God’s will for their lives. As they learn about themselves and what type of career might suit them, they can brush up on their math, as any business will require a basic knowledge of math to keep it afloat. This can be done with Daily Math for grades 5-8. A wide variety of worksheets and drills teach and reinforce math skills, such as place value, standard measurements, ordinal numbers, rounding numbers, working with zeroes, order of operations, factors and multiples, divisibility, fractions and percentages, decimals, the value of coins, finding the mean, and much more.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC