Preschool Resources for You

Did you know has a full-year preschool?— Preschool Playground. Courses can be used as a full curriculum, or you can pick and choose which courses and even which individual activities you’d like to use with your children. Our newest courses are Preschool Playground Arts, Crafts, and Music. There are more than 35 different activities and activity ideas such as Sandpaper Pictures, Sticker Pictures, Pipe Cleaner Sculptures, Building with Wooden Craft Sticks, Texture Hunt with Crayon Rubbings, Pretend Play: Realistic Store, Press Flowers, Preschool Printmaking, Colored Noodle Sun Catchers, Homemade Greeting Cards, Classical Music: Peter and the Wolf and Carnival of the Animals, Christian Music, and more. Preschool Playground Language Arts has 65 different activities and activity ideas that help little ones to learn their letters, practice beginning phonics by looking at ending sounds and middle sounds, identify colors, and so on. Activities include such things as tracing lines and letters, playing games with letters, and making letters out of various materials.
Preschool Playground Motor Skills contains more than 25 different activities and activity ideas to help children use their hands and improve hand-eye coordination. Activities including tracing, sewing cards, making collages, having fun with hair, playing with circle ribbon wands, following the line, having fun with eyedroppers, going on a Noah’s Ark hunt, cutting with scissors, doing chores, matching patterns, and more. Preschool Playground Numbers, Patterns, and Cognitive Skills has more than 75 different activities and activity ideas, from counting skills and number practice to weighing and measuring. Children can play matching games and learn how to classify objects. They can learn to tell the difference between fewest and most and left and right. Ordinals, shapes, opposites, the clock, and the calendar are also discussed. Preschool Playground Social Studies includes more than a dozen different activities and activity ideas to teach preschool children about families and communities, such as learning their name, address, and phone number; drawing a map; and knowing their name, age, and birthday. Past, present, and future are discussed, as well as feelings. Students are encouraged to understand that they are each unique as God has made them.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine