Putting It Together

Some of us need to use our hands to help us retain the information we are trying to learn. We are kinesthetic learners. When we are able to build and create, our minds remember concepts more easily. Niki Coburn McNeil’s Lapbooking course enhances the study of literature for kinesthetic learners in preschool through middle school by allowing them to build a lapbook brimming with a variety of mini-books that include vocabulary, story themes, characters, and more. If your children have never created a lapbook before, help is available under “Course Introduction” on the Course Details tab. More than two dozen titles are currently available, and a new unit is posted each month. The most recent lapbooks include Nathan Hale and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by Wordsworth. Elementary and middle school students can grasp science concepts through Tinkers Club with Ed Sobey, Ph.D. Ed’s classes encourage learning by creating, observing, and asking why something happened the way it did then making changes to bring about the desired result. Students are taught to think and observe in order to solve problems that might occur with their inventions. Most projects use ordinary objects that can be found just lying around your home. Nine challenges exist, such as building wheels, catapults, boats, LEDs, cars, and more.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC