Puzzles and Parties

Who doesn’t enjoy a fun party or a challenging puzzle? What could these two things possibly have to do with SchoolhouseTeachers.com, though? You might not believe the answer . . . Government! We have government classes for students in the elementary grades all the way through high school. American Government with Michelle Subbert is an eighteen-week course for middle and high school students that traces the development of the nation’s federal government from its creation to the present day. It explores the three branches of government, key Supreme Court rulings, the role of state and local governments, the duties of a citizen, the history of political parties and elections, and concludes with a look at the history of several key presidents. The class includes daily lessons and assignments, as well as quizzes and a semester research project. Checks and Balances is a four-week mini-course for elementary and middle school students that studies the responsibilities of a government and its citizens. This class also explores the three branches of government and takes a look at the responsibilities of state and local governments. Students can further their learning through written text, activities, puzzles, copywork, and more.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC