A Redo

When I think of a new year, I think of a new beginning. I find hope in a new start or a redo from the previous year. Before I can envision what I hope my new year will look like, my mind goes back in time. I’m not talking about going back to childhood or just years ago; I’m talking about going back to the previous year. I like to focus on how good God has been in the last year. My heart fills with praise to God for the many times He brought encouragement when I was low. He gave me songs in the night when my lips couldn’t bring forth praise. He met my every need and my faith grew. When I didn’t think I could do one more thing, He gave me His strength to keep going. When homeschooling was hard, and I just didn’t know if it was worth it, He showed me how important this calling was, and He showed me how I’m changing my children’s lives one day at a time—even when I didn’t see it. He has answered prayer after prayer. I have to humbly thank Him for all of the “no’s,” in relation to prayer, because He knows best.
I have to thank Him for every time He spoke to my heart through His Word. I am reminded about all of the tears He wiped when no one else saw them. He has surrounded me with love, His love and the love of my family. My heart is overflowing with love.
This past year has wrought wonderful things. Another one of my children asked Christ to be their Savior. There’s such a heavy burden lifted. I have five children ages seven and under; I know they are young, but three of them have asked for God’s forgiveness through salvation. I am amazed at God’s mercy and forgiveness. This past year my fifth child was born. What’s amazing about his pregnancy was that we had a heartbreaking miscarriage months before, and I didn’t know what good could come out of it. But when I look at the sweet smile of my little guy, I’m thankful that God’s plans go far above my own. He sent healing and a special gift of life to my family.
Every family has different mountain-top experiences this past year and different trials that brought them low. But we can all relate to hope for a redo of some things.
After looking back over the past year, I look forward to a new year. I’m looking forward to God doing great things! Our homeschool needs a refreshing touch of God. We can’t settle for mediocre anymore. Our homes need the touch of God. And our communities need to see Christians who are patterning their lives after Christ.
Whatever it is in your life that needs a redo, this new year is the perfect time to start afresh. Give your hopes, dreams, and failures to God, and stand back and watch Him do miracles this year—because He is still God, and His power doesn’t change!
Hi, my name is Jessica. I am married to a wonderful husband and we have six children, 1 girl and 5 boys. God has blessed my life. He is too good to me. I try to juggle homeschooling, housework, and writing. I have self-published a couple of books. You can follow me on my Facebook page.