Regaining Homeschool Joy

Have you ever found yourself in an emotional homeschool rut that carried on for a few months? Some might call it depression because things aren’t going as planned and the children aren’t cooperating. Others might label this as anxiety because you’re nervous about continuing this journey since it can be a bit overwhelming at times. I found myself in an extremely emotional situation at the beginning of 2017 but I’m so grateful that I was able to identify the problem and overcome it.
Our last homeschool year was extremely hard as we were dealing with the illness of my father-in-law, my husband travelling often for work and to be with his dad, and an extremely hectic schedule. We all know the cycle of #adulting never ends but in this instance I no longer felt joy in completing my duties. Our whole household schedule was off, and I just couldn’t catch up. Conquering piled up laundry caused a delay in house cleaning, which put me behind in dusting, preparing dinner, and so on.
One day, in the middle of an impromptu crying turned prayer session I realized that I had missed over two months of my morning quiet time. Morning quiet time was a favorable part of my day that consisted of prayer, Bible study, and exercise leaving me feeling refreshed and energized. I had so much peace at the beginning of each day when I practiced this; so in hindsight it made no sense to omit the most important part of my day. Skipping the daily practice of prayer and Bible study subsequently weakened my ability to apply the fruit of God’s spirit to situations in my life.
Once the problem was realized I immediately made daily morning quiet time and exercise top priority! This ensures I have energy and allow God to guide me throughout the day instead of my emotions. Since I wasn’t equipped with the joy of the Lord, I constantly overreacted to my #adulting duties. Laundry, dishes, and even children’s tantrums are consistent in life but my reaction to them needed to change tremendously. I now live my life as a thermostat, not a thermometer and use the fruit of God’s Spirit in my reactions as described in Galatians 5:22-23. I may be sad or frustrated because we had a “rough homeschool day,” but now I pray, move past the moment quickly, and carry on.
The source of my issue was a lack of joy, which I regained in spending time with the Lord, Who is the ultimate source of my strength. I implore every reader to conduct a “fruit check” to see what you need from God. No matter what you’re dealing with, know that so many others have overcome your situation and God will open doors so you can get the help you need to move forward.
“But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 AMP
Ta’Neisha Kemp – I’m a proud wife that spontaneously serenades her husband in public. I’m a cool mom that has dance battles with her children. I’m the keep it real friend that doesn’t tell your business. I’m also the lady that cries actual tears while watching romantic comedies and reading books. If you’re a homeschool teacher that enjoys a quick “I totally understand” moment in between subjects and chores, then we just became best friends. I’m a proud believer, living a balanced life where taking care of my family is my ministry! Blog: Marriage, Motherhood, and Makeup
Glad you found your strength to get through the hard times.
Thanks for sharing. I too have found that quiet time is alarmingly easy to skip when life seems overwhelming. It’s so backwards because it should be all the more important! Thanks for sharing your experience.