Sensing and Searching

Information comes to us in all sorts of ways—through our senses and through searching. Small World Sensory Science is a preschool course led by Robin Casey. Through twelve lessons, preschoolers will explore the farm, the pond, the ocean, wind, construction, and much more, all the while learning by touching, feeling, doing, and exploring. Because sensory activities can sometimes be messy, there is a lesson on helping to keep things tidy, too! Research Skills 7th Grade is a six-week unit designed to supplement a middle school language arts class or help students brush up on research skills. Topics include using a dictionary, library skills, writing a bibliography, checking the accuracy of online information, and writing a proper citation. No matter the age of your child, he can enjoy soaking up information in a variety of ways with these two new courses.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC