Simplify Your Homeschool
By Karen DeBeus
Simplify. It’s a buzz word these days. In a world full of noise, clutter, and distraction so many of us are yearning for simplicity. I have been on the quest for simplicity for several years now, weeding out the extras to ease the burden of abundance. Yet, surprisingly what I have found on my quest has been about so much more than just getting rid of “stuff.” It has been a quest to seek God more closely than ever before. I found the true meaning of simplicity in my life.
I have always been a simple girl at heart, and when I became a homeschooling mother that need for simple really showed up. In a homeschool community that had so much to offer, it quickly become overwhelming and I became bogged down by all the extras. I was drowning in a cluttered life- both physically and mentally. My mind was overloaded and my house was getting inundated with homeschool “stuff.”
My quest for simplicity began with weeding out some extras- lessening our schedule, our supplies, and our lives. Purging was freeing. Yet it didn’t stop there. I found that simplifying is about so much more than just eliminating stuff. At its core, it is about God. If we are filled up on the things that matter, our desires for the extras will not be so strong. He is enough.
I realized that my homeschool was really a model for my children in life. If I want order and discipline, I must start first with my own heart. Seeking God first thing in the morning in stillness is necessary. And in every decision I make pertaining to my homeschool, I must seek His will above my own. The more I seek him, the less worldly stuff I will desire.
When it comes time to choose outside activities and schedules, I realize that I need to weed out what isn’t really bearing fruit. Being busy is not always a sign of success. At least not in God’s eyes. He wants my children’s hearts above all and if we are overwhelmed with busyness or clutter, it is harder for us to see Him.
Simplifying is about getting rid of all the distractions that take our eyes off of our true goals. So ask yourself, what are your true goals? My main goal in my homeschool is to raise my children to love the Lord with all their heart. I am training them with the Bible as our core. When we are filled up on the things that matter, we can see more clearly. We don’t have to fill our schedules and our homes. We are filled up on Him.
Are you drowning in homeschool clutter? Information overload? Are you overwhelmed? Perhaps you need to simplify. Seek Him first in every decision. Store treasure in heaven and not on earth.
Here are some ways to simplify your homeschool:
Know God’s Word. I believe one of the most important things you can to do to simplify is to seek Him first. Get to know the Lord and your desires will line up with His. The worldly desires will fade as they are replaced by His own.
Pray. Cover your homeschool in prayer. Submit your plans to Him. Pray over curriculum, lessons, and each new day. Pray that you teach your children what He wants them to know.
Don’t covet someone else’s homeschool. Seek His will for YOUR family. Each family is uniquely created by God for a purpose exclusively for that family. Don’t try to compare to what the families at co-op are all doing, or the even the kids that are in school. Seek His will solely for your family. This will help you keep your focus and eliminate negativity.
Eliminate the extras. Whether it is too many classes outside of the home, or trying to teach one too many subjects at home, start with the basics and work your way up. Choose wisely. Choose things that bear fruit, not cause stress. Eliminate fluff, and focus on the most important things.
Perspective matters. What will your kids remember one day when this homeschooling journey is over? That Mommy taught them the Word, or that everyone was busy all the time? Will they remember the perfect house? Piles of stuff? Or that Mommy was a praying mommy who sought God and taught them who He was. Relationships matter. Put effort into people first, and then things. Eliminate needless distractions. Time is short. Keep it in perspective.
As you start to simplify, you will find that having less is truly having more of what matters. Enjoy the journey and may it be filled with blessings and joy.

Karen is the author of several ebooks, including her latest Simply Homeschool 2nd Edition: Have Less Fluff and Bear More Fruit. She also speaks at homeschool conventions and events. Karen can be found blogging at Simply Living…for Him and Bible Based Homeschooling.