Welcome to our monthly Spotlight on Five! |
I remember the first time I “saw” Bible history in a personal way. My sister and I had traveled to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The museum draws me back, time and again because of the historical artifacts it holds. Since I’ve been visiting there, I’ve walked inside part of an Egyptian temple. I’ve seen a room that was once buried under Vesuvius. But nothing prepared me for what I saw when I stepped into the Near Eastern galleries.
The walls of Babylon.
(Rest of the article . . . ) |
November’s Spotlight on History
Time4Learning / Science4Us

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Home School in the Woods
We Teach History Hands-on!

History is a topic that is chock full of stories that come alive when the child lives what he learns! By teaching history hands-on, your child will experience the people and events of the times through all the senses!
At Home School in the Woods, our history materials do just that. By creating a concrete framework with timelines and mapping, you can then launch into eras of history with lap books, projects, crafts, games, audio, creative writing, and don’t forget . . . food!
Our History through the Ages Timeline materials help visualize the “when” in history by providing beautifully illustrated images for your child to color and place on a wall timeline or in our Record of Time notebook. Old world maps lead you to “where” you are going . . . then get ready for the adventure! Our Time Travelers History Studies provide dozens of hands-on projects for American history, as well as text and printables on a handy CD. Our Project Passport studies do the same for world history! Or if you just want a lapbook, our Activity-Paks and Lap-Paks fit the bill perfectly!
Visit our website and sample our curriculum for yourself!

Around the World in 180 Days is a multilevel history/geography course designed for all ages to study together. This program covers history, geography, and the culture of every continent. And yet this is not a textbook. It’s a series of questions the student must research in order to answer. Plenty of resources are suggested to help students conduct their research, and the teacher’s edition provides all the answers. Written with questions for students of all grade levels, this is a curriculum your family can study together!
You’ll learn facts; ask “how” and “why” questions; discover how information relates to you, God, and the world; label maps; learn to research by using an atlas, a world almanac, and an encyclopedia. You’ll expand your study with suggested books and online resources; and create your own keepsake notebook of what you have learned.
You’ll explore the following topics for all 7 continents:
- Geography (land forms, rivers, countries and cities, climate)
- History (brief overview of the history of each continent)
- Religion (dominant religion/s; impact of Christianity)
- Culture (government, economics, education, art)
- Key People (missionaries, historical and political figures, artists, scientists)
- Current Events
Bring history to life in your home!
Muster up all your courage as you lead hundreds of slaves to freedom on the underground railroad with Harriet Tubman.
Feel the shark fins on your leg as they bump the bottom of the canvas survival raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with Louis Zamperini.
Hear the snap of a musket as it cuts straight through the hat of an unharmed George Washington leading his men into battle.
Shh! Keep quiet as you smuggle orphans over the mountains of China with Gladys Aylward.
The Christian Heroes: Then & Now and Heroes of History series introduce your family to a living history of both faith and country. These adventure-packed, true, narrative-style biographies bring 65 incredible characters to life right in your home. Your children will not just learn about history–they will experience it!
Join the thousands of readers who have already brought history to life in their homes.
Over 2 million hero titles now in print.
Experience history at: www.HeroesThenAndNow.com
Take a look at the variety available to your entire family with just one membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com. For example:
ABC with Me–history fun for preschoolers.
Renaissance History–explore Europe and the world.
Imperial Russia–middle/high school class with in-depth video lectures, written materials, and audio supplements.
Hands-On American History–month-long unit studies from history.
American History: Colonization Era–16-week course covering the founding of Jamestown through the French and Indian War.
Constitution and Bill of Rights–in-depth high school class from attorney Kevin Smith.
Asia: People and History–the history of parts of Asia and what life is like for Christians there today.
Asia: Trade Route Safari–38-week journey across Asia and the Middle East through history, science, writing, and more.
Classical History–29-week course studying ancient history through the fall of Rome.
Figures in History–hands-on history fun for little ones.
The Everyday Explorers series–choose from Australia and New Zealand, Canada, and the United States and discover one state, province, or territory at a time.
We make teaching history as easy as Point. Click. Teach.
Bible History
By Bonnie Rose Hudson
Bonnie Rose Hudson |
I remember the first time I “saw” Bible history in a personal way. My sister and I had traveled to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The museum draws me back, time and again because of the historical artifacts it holds. Since I’ve been visiting there, I’ve walked inside part of an Egyptian temple. I’ve seen a room that was once buried under Vesuvius. But nothing prepared me for what I saw when I stepped into the Near Eastern galleries.
The walls of Babylon.
Pieces of the ancient walls, painted blue and green, were mounted on the gallery walls. Daniel could have walked past them. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego may have gazed on them while walking into the city. I have always believed the Biblical stories to be true. I’ve studied the Bible from both a spiritual and an intellectual point of view. I know there is more documentary evidence for the Bible than there is some classical literature. But seeing a piece of the story for myself made it come alive in an entirely new way.
That is one of the things I love about timelines. They put the events of the Bible into a broader historical context. I love discovering that the time of the Judges was also the time of Nefertiti or that the life of Joseph almost overlapped the birth of the Shang Dynasty of China. Abraham lived during the time of the Minoans, and when he left Ur to obey God and father a nation, the dynasties of China were just about to be born.
I’ve discovered something else about timelines, too. When Biblical people are involved in a living historical context, it brings them off of the flannelgraph board. It brings a part of the spiritual into the realm of the tangible.
A fun family activity that can add a new dimension to your next museum field trip is to build a timeline beforehand. There are many fun ways of creating them, but before the trip, put just the facts down in a printable format that you can carry with you. When you see an ancient artifact, look at your timeline. That piece of stone pavement from Assyria? That dates to the same time as Jonah. That Egyptian monument? That was built in the days of Deborah.
Take a journey through the past, and discover all the places the Bible and history intertwine.
Bonnie Rose Hudson works as the executive editor of SchoolhouseTeachers.com, the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. She also creates curriculum for the site as well as her own website and several other blogs. Her heart’s desire is for every child to feel the love of God and know how special they are to Him. She would love for you to stop by her author’s website WriteBonnieRose.com and explore her growing collection of free timeline resources, copywork, missions and persecuted Church-related printables, and more.