Spring Blog Giveaway Basket

Kindergarten Complete
Semester One Teacher’s Manual with Student Workbook
All daily lesson plans and student worksheets are included in a sturdy three-ring binder. The detailed lesson plans in this book cover all subject areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Physical Development, Fitness, Fine Arts, Character Development, and Bible) and are created around thematic units with a biblical worldview. Student workbook pages are designed to reinforce the daily concepts and are a required part of the curriculum. Pages are copied on durable paper that withstands daily use and are easily removable for daily use or homeschool on the go.
Product Value – $119.95
Westfield Studios
Biology 101
Biology 101 is a complete overview of the world of biology from a Biblical perspective. These 4 DVDs are full of accurate and fascinating information supported by hundreds of captivating visuals and graphics. Included on the fourth disc is a printable (PDF) guidebook with quizzes covering the material presented in each segment and a one-year high school course booklet. The DVDs contain nine individual segments ranging from 30-45 minutes each.
Product Value: $70.00
Surprise Ride
Surprise Ride’s Bees Box
Get creative with a Surprise Ride box of adventure! The Surprise Ride Homeschool Contest is giving one of their most popular boxes – The Bees Box! To get inspired by Surprise Ride, click here.
“Bee” adventurous and discover the fascinating world of bees by…
- Crafting your own candles from real colorful beeswax
- Discovering the important role bees play in preserving our ecosystem by growing a bee-friendly sunflower
- Reading a Dr. Seuss “Show Me The Honey” book
- Going outside and playing with your own special Fris-bee
- Snacking on yummy Organic honey snacks and honey sticks
To get more tips for homeschooling with Surprise Ride, click here!
Product Value: $34.99
1 Chalkboard and 1 Dry Erase Rollzees
Roll up chalkboard and dry erase play mats for kids. Chalkboard and Dry Erase Rollzees are fun, cute, entertaining, portable and best of all . . . no batteries required, just imagination!
Product Value: Chalkboard – $18.00, Dry Erase – $23.00
Clouds of Light Publications
BOOK – “T is for T.Rex – Some of God’s Most Amazing Creatures from A to Z”
“T is for T.Rex: Some of God’s Most Amazing Creatures from A to Z is a beautifully illustrated children’s book designed to help kids learn about dinosaurs in a fresh, fun and informative way. Written from a young-earth creation science perspective, it stresses the importance of God’s Word, the Bible, in interpreting the fossil evidence for these amazing creatures, as well as in explaining their behavior. It also points to Noah’s Flood as the key to understanding earth’s geology and the fossil record. Generally aimed at children between the ages of 5 and 12, adults will also enjoy reading this book, too!”
Product Value: $18.00
Not So Ordinary Days
Not So Ordinary Days Magazine for Kids – 1 Year Subscription
Explore a new creature, place or time each month with Sniffers, the dog, and his family, in Not So Ordinary Days Magazine for Kids. Our digital magazine is designed to rekindle your children’s natural curiosity and creativity as we explore the not-so-ordinary world around us. Beautifully illustrated with photographs, each monthly issue contains a fun story and interactive links to more information about the animals we met and places we visited in our story. We’ve even included some vocabulary words. Those who prefer to read the story and then look up facts will enjoy using the convenient index included with each issue. PC, Mac, Tablet and Smartphone compatible. Ages 5-11. $20/yr. NotSoOrdinaryDays.com
Product Value: $20.00
Bubble Thing
Bubble Thing
Blow the World’s Biggest Bubbles! Open and close the big fabric loop to blow bubbles all shapes and sizes 20-feet long and more. Includes BIG Bubble Mix to make 2.7 gallons of giant bubble juice. Blow double bubbles, bubbles-in-a-bubble, kid-in-a-bubble, and so much more. Ages 6 to 96.
Product Value: $12.00
The Old Schoolhouse Print Magazines
Print Magazines from 2013, 2014 and 2015
You’ll get three year’s worth of support in almost 300 pages in each of these full color one-of-a-kind print magazines for homeschoolers.
Product Value: $45.00
Starbucks Gift Card
$25 Starbucks Gift Card
Product Value: $25.00
One winner will win this basket that contains: Kindergarten Complete, Westfield Studios, Surprise Ride, Rollzee, Clouds of Light Publications, Not So Ordinary Days Magazine, Bubble Thing, Three TOS Print Magazines and a $25 Starbucks gift card, for a total value of $385.94!
Enter below. The winners will be randomly chosen and notified by email. Entries will close 12:00 am EDT, Monday June 1, 2015.
TOS employees, contractors, product reviewers, and Crew members are not eligible to enter. Entry into this contest will automatically subscribe you to The Old Schoolhouse magazine’s free newsletter, The Homeschool Minute. You may unsubscribe at any time. Click here for a complete set of rules.