Star Spangled

Did you know March 3rd is National Anthem Day?!
Our TOS family reaches around the globe and one thing we all have in common, regardless of where you live, is that we all have a National Anthem, a special song to celebrate where we live.
My family resides in the United States, and we are proud of our National Anthem; my sister served in the Marine Corp and my husband is a huge sports fan, so the Anthem holds a special place in our family. From sporting events, to special programs, it is always a sweet tune to our ears.
My oldest daughter, who frequents baseball games with my husband (their special bonding time in the summer), proudly stands & sings our anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” when at the games. “The Star-Spangled Banner,” written by Francis Scott Key at Fort McHenry, on September 14, 1814, was made the official National Anthem of the United States, in March 1931. I wonder if Mr. Key realized what powerful words he scribed that evening?
What is the National Anthem where you live? Learn more about your anthem; search the lyrics, who wrote it, when it was adopted as the anthem, and more.
If you live in the United States, check out this link to learn more about Francis Scott Key, the man who wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and more on the National Anthem. U.S. history is done for the day 😉
Abi (a little bit crazy) Frazee, is a sort of newish, homeschooling momma with three little crazy Frazees. Abi, her husband, Justin & kiddos reside in the mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and enjoy spontaneous field trips. Abi has a BA in Early Childhood Education, a MS in Special Education, and is a Certified Labor Doula; she uses her education, with past and present experiences to cultivate a love of learning & sharing. Love, Learn, Have Faith, Smile (& drink coffee!)