State History by A Helping Hand

Study YOUR state–we have all 50!
State History from a Christian Perspective (Grades 3-12)
- Complete state history course on your state, including text, maps, color state symbol pictures, quizzes, tests, lesson plans, answer key, state constitution study guide
- Students use our text material to construct project notebook either in their own three-ring binder or in Abeka’s preformatted scrapbook, My State Notebook
- Thirty-lesson (6-week) course, easily expandable. One-semester option for secondary level can be teacher-directed or independent study
My State History Funbook (Age 4 – Grade 2)
- Color-cut-paste introduction to your state
- Includes spiral-bound pre-formatted scrap-book with cutouts and state symbol pictures to be pasted into the Funbook
- Correlated with older level so all ages can learn together
OR study ALL FIFTY states!
Fifty States Under God (Grades 3 – 12)
- Workbook study of all fifty states in order of statehood
- Time-line and progressive map study built right into lesson plans (older level only)
- Completely SELF-CONTAINED: provides ALL information necessary to fill in the workpages as well as teacher instructions
- Color state symbol pictures for all 50 states included
Fifty States Under God for Young Learners (Age 4 – Grade 2)
- Color-cut-paste version of the study of all fifty states in order of statehood
- Completely SELF-CONTAINED: provides ALL information necessary to fill in the workpages as well as teacher instructions
- Color state symbol pictures for all 50 states included
Geography of the Fifty States (Grades 3-12)
- Teaches US Geography though a study of the fifty states in order as they were added to the US
- Correlates geography with history to show how geography affected our nation’s growth pattern
- Completely SELF-CONTAINED. Includes tests, answer keys, teacher instructions