Summer on a Shoestring

Summer is well under way by now, and if you’re like most parents, you’ve probably heard, “I’m bored,” just a few more times than you’d like. Here are a few ways our family breaks the boredom and it doesn’t break the bank:
[] Bowling. Visit to register each child and receive free bowling passes every week by email. The bowling passes allow two free games of bowling a day throughout the summer. [] Summer Movie Clubhouse. Visit to view the schedule of summer movies showing in your area. Cinemark only charges $1 per show and offers a coupon for concessions, too! [] Summer Reading Programs. My girls participate in two summer reading programs: one through the local library, and the other through Barnes and Noble. This is a great way to reward reading throughout the summer! [] Museums. There’s a lot to see and much of it is free! Many museums offer specific free times for general admission; you just have to do your research. It’s well worth the research time when your kids can explore and learn new things for free! [] Playdates. Out of all our summer activities, my girls will tell you that their favorite is their playdates with friends. We are so busy during the school year, we do not have time for many playdates, so we use the summer months to catch up with friends!What are you doing this summer that doesn’t break the bank?
Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.