T is for Thankful

As I sit here in the quiet, I wonder what I should write about this month? Should I do a serious article on homeschooling that encourages moms to keep on, or should I do a funny tongue-in-cheek article about the random things that show you you’re really nuts to homeschool in the first place? But then it hits me, the reason I have this opportunity to write about these different topics at all is the fact that God has blessed me with this amazing gift of being able to homeschool!
See, it’s true I get really, really tired sometimes (pretty much every day, thank you very much!) And sometimes my strength and good temper just flat out fail me. I get discouraged, and sometimes I actually forget how incredibly blessed I am in this life!
Now, don’t get me wrong. If you asked me, I’d say I was blessed, but in my heart of hearts sometimes I forget to express that true thankfulness to God.
Because it’s true that so many others aren’t blessed like me! They’re the ones you hear talking about 3 hours of homework their kids have when they get home. The ones who are fussing about the fact that the family trips are impacted by public school schedules and their kids must choose between starting a sport and going camping on a few days off. Guess what? I don’t deal with those issues!
I’m also not dealing with deciding whether to send kids to school when they don’t feel that great but don’t have the required fever. I don’t have to count sick days or freak out when the flu is going around school.
I realized the other day exactly how blessed I was when my almost nine-year-old son made an innocent remark that really showed me how incredibly innocent he really is on perverted sexual matters. It made my heart so happy because I would have known the answer when I was his age just from exposure to kids who watched indecent movies.
I can’t imagine my life any other way, frankly, but sometimes it blows my mind that God cares enough about me to give me this amazing life!
Are you the same way? Do you forget just how blessed you really are?
This November take a hard look at your life and think about all you’ve been given. Not the cars, not the houses, not the clothes, but instead look at this blessing called HOMESCHOOLING and all it has brought into your life!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jenny is a wife to her amazing husband of 17 years and stay-at-home momma to 4 kids. She blogs at https://www.inconvenientfamily.com where she is learning that blessings aren’t always convenient.