Kids & Christianity
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Parents know that nothing is more important than building a solid foundation of faith in our children. From this foundation, they can stand strong, they can build with the right tools and elements, and they can invite in those things that will continue to build them up and strengthen them. has courses that will
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Football, Film & Friends
Monday, 23 January 2017
Though the football season is winding down, students can continue to enjoy the sport, albeit in a slightly different way. Economics with Mike Sims discusses the function of economics in various sectors of society by exploring Football Economics, Chocolate Economics, Pirate Economics, Gamma Ray Economics, and more. Students in middle and high school can
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As for Me and My House . . .
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
It Starts at Home . . . a simple but profound statement. As parents, we have an awesome responsibility to teach our kids about God. It starts with us; it starts at home. Featuring Gary Thomas, Matt Chandler, and Kurt and Olivia Bruner, this course aims to help parents confidently build a legacy of
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Building on Our Faith
Wednesday, 07 December 2016
When we establish a solid foundation for our faith, we are able to see the world in a new light. We are able to have a heart for the lost and a desire to see God glorified. Basics of the Christian Faith is a course for high school students and their parents. This course,
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Art, Ants, and Adventures
Wednesday, 16 November 2016 is one of the best places to find homeschool courses you won’t find anywhere else. Our teachers are extremely creative, and they love to share what they learn with families around the world. This creativity and love is the reason for four of our newest courses. We know you will enjoy them. Learning
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His Story Is for Everybody
Monday, 10 October 2016
There is no shortage of Bible lessons and stories on There are ebooks and videos, worksheets and activities for all ages. Bible Stories for Kids includes Bible-based video stories for elementary. Through Children’s Heroes of the Bible, Jesus: He Lived Among Us, Adventures of the Apostle Paul, and more, young learners will be
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