Planning for the New School Year: Where to Start, Mama
Monday, 08 August 2022
This time of year is when I feel like I need to just scrap everything and start over so planning for the new school year gives me the fresh start I need. Maybe you are feeling down, like you don’t want to even think about the new school year or don’t know how to start.
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Hey Mama Monday: Creative Ways to Teach Math and Science, Mama
Monday, 01 August 2022
Creative science and math? I am not that creative. But I have found that science and math often go hand in hand. Kids love science experiments, and they often have elements of math included, such as amounts and percentages and time. And, math will often include scientific data such as graphs and estimates. Teaching these
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday, Real Science, Teaching Math
Hey Mama Monday: Mercy Every Minute, Mama
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Does teaching spelling make you smile, sing, and celebrate? Or does it wear you out as you shed a few tears? And just why are wear and tear spelled the same but sound so different? Seems like a lot of “wear and tear” on this old homeschool mom! Sometimes spelling success comes through hard work over many years, and sometimes it comes
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: How To Teach Independent Studies, Mama
Monday, 27 June 2022
Hey Mama, Are the textbooks working? Is there a subject you are not sure how to handle? Or do you just need something different and fresh? Whenever I am at a loss as to what to do with one of my children, whether they are struggling in a certain subject or I feel
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday, Unit Study
Hey Mama Monday: What Are YOU Reading? Children Follow by Example, Mama
Tuesday, 07 June 2022
Let them catch your love of reading and model your reading behavior. Seems so easy. Not always. It works for most kids. Then there are those who don’t love to read. Maybe it’s physically hard for them to read, they have a learning disability, or maybe it’s just not something they enjoy doing. I had
- Published in - Reading, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: The Solution for Family Stress: Family Rest, Mama!
Monday, 16 May 2022
Hey Mama, Is there stress or strife in your family? When the family isn’t rested, there tends to be more stress and strife among its members. I don’t know about you, but our summer so far has been the busiest ever. In fact, we have been doing nothing but running around (all really
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Schooling on the Go, Mama
Monday, 09 May 2022
Hey Mama, There was a season not so long ago that I had three teens who each had an outside class, a job, and a ministry—and didn’t drive. Talk about on the go! I was doing more going than schooling in those days! There were also times we were on the go due
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Say “Yes!” More Often to Games, Mama!
Monday, 18 April 2022
Hey Mama, We often think that games are keeping us from the real stuff of academics, but often, games are what make it stick. So say, “Yes!” more often to games! Games are wonderful teaching tools. I once heard a homeschool graduate speak about his education. What he remembered most fondly were those
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday