Hey Mama Monday: How to Get Back to School After the Holidays, Mama
Monday, 29 November 2021
Hey Mama, I was trying to figure out this week why I was feeling so downcast right about now. Maybe it was because these last holiday weeks: I’ve been sick with a cold and nasty cough. I’ve had lots and lots of visitors. I’ve had some painful relationship issues to deal with. I’ve
- Published in - Holidays, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Hey Mama Monday: Preparing for College and Life, Mama
Monday, 01 November 2021
Hey Mama, I know that today it seems like your children will be young and needy forever, but I can attest that it will feel like time went by way too fast when you are standing at the graduation of your homeschooled child and looking back. You may be crying tears of frustration
- Published in - College, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Teaching Around Life’s Obstacles, Mama
Monday, 25 October 2021
Hey Mama, I ask myself this question often: “When will I ever get to homeschool the way I want to?” I’d be the best homeschool teacher if it weren’t for (fill in the blank: difficult interruptions/difficult finances/difficult children/friends who do it better/spouses who aren’t supportive, etc.). Should I give up if I can’t
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: An Ordinary Homeschool, Mama
Monday, 18 October 2021
Hey Mama, What do you get when you add 2 children with the flu, 2 dentist appointments, 1 unmotivated teen, 1 child with 100 school questions, 1 student waiting to read with mom, 1 teen who needs a work permit (today!), 1 music lesson, and 1 husband who wants to know what’s for
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Devotional Door, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Homeschool Handwriting Help, Mama
Monday, 27 September 2021
Hey Mama, A couple of my kids have chicken scratch for handwriting. And they are the adult children, even though we all went over handwriting together for years. Some of my kids’ writing abilities are just neat from birth, and others need a lot of help. We should teach excellence but not stress
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday, Unit Study, Writing
Hey Mama Monday: Balancing Priorities, Mama
Monday, 06 September 2021
Hey Mama, I homeschool full time. I work full time. I pray for wisdom all the time. There are two things that we keep in mind as I work from home and also homeschool. They are Keeping family as first priority. Scheduling with flexibility. Family First My family must always come first. So,
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Habits Bring Peace
Monday, 30 August 2021
Hey Mama, Classical Education and Charlotte Mason Education both vouch for creating good habits and starting them when the children are young. There are so many benefits that result from the forming of good habits. Peace is one of them. Wouldn’t we all like a dose of peace in our homeschool days? It
- Published in Articles, Blog, Charlotte Mason Homeschooling, Classical Homeschooling, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Long Days and Short Years
Monday, 16 August 2021
Hey Mama, Every graduation, a video is created from only ten pictures to depict that child’s birth through their graduation. It plays for thirty seconds with their desired music in the background. When I watch these, their life from birth through graduation literally passes in front of my eyes, and I end up
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday, High School