God’s Little Reminders
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
“I love it when a Facebook memory pops up and you’re reminded that you have been blessed with what you prayed for. Whether it was moments, months, or it feels like a millennium ago just thank God when you receive it.” – Ta’Neisha K. Last month I typed this status update after viewing my
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5 Tips for Quiet Times for Busy Mothers
Friday, 22 April 2016
Years ago when I was reading Jim Elliot’s Journal, I found the following: “Anything, good as it may be, put before my study of the true and living Word, becomes a snare, and I must assiduously avoid all such if the Word of God is to be my fresh meat every morning.” The first time
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Integrating New Challenges
Friday, 15 April 2016
As a former high school teacher, the first thing that people think (and say) when I reveal that I now homeschool my sons, is that it must be so easy for me. It’s a reasonable assumption to make if one thinks that homeschooling is just teaching a few subjects. Pop open a curriculum and away
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Role Model
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
For many years I have been a mother of boys. Although I desired to have a daughter, I was blessed with boys. I have become a pro at playing hot wheels and mending ripped jeans. I can even out shoot them at basketball, although that may change after a couple more growth spurts. Despite all
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Children Need the Outdoors to Thrive
Monday, 11 April 2016
Having lived in the country, and now a small tiny country town surrounded by the country on all four sides, I know that the value of fresh air, for me, but also my children, is so incredibly important. Our children live out of doors as much as they possibly can, especially between the months of
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The Perfectionist Child
Saturday, 09 April 2016
Do you have a child that melts down over your slightest correction in their schoolwork? One of my son’s tends to be this way. Learning comes very easily to him. He learned to read simply by watching his older brother’s lessons and now he can rocket through books far above the level typical for his
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The Comparison Trap
Friday, 08 April 2016
I am a mom of only three girls. My oldest successfully graduated from the public high school several years ago…..we are not country dwellers, and I don’t grind my own flour….yet I am a homeschooling mom. HOW CAN THAT BE?? LOL! Have any of you fallen victim to the comparison trap. I knew that I
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Hold On
Thursday, 07 April 2016
I was talking with one of the younger mommas not long ago in our church; she is raising her first little boy who is just darling. And although he is only one she is already contemplating home education for her little guy. I love being a part of conversations like this; an opportunity to share
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