Weaving a Tapestry of History, Mama
Monday, 03 July 2023
Hey Mama, Today is about history . . . yours, your kids’, and our Forefathers’ who have taught us so much (if we’ll be quiet and listen). History doesn’t have to be all serious and Constitution-y. Yes, it can be, but it can be so much more than that, too. It’s baking bread with the
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Do You Have an Eternal View of History, Mama?
Monday, 26 June 2023
Hey Mama, A verse that brings me great comfort is this one because it reminds me of the bigger picture: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23 God is eternal. He has been around
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Nature Journaling and Geocaching, Mama
Monday, 12 June 2023
Summer is a great time to get outdoors and have fun learning (and the kids don’t even have to realize they’re soaking up knowledge). If your kids like sketching, drawing, or journaling, head outside with sketchbooks and have the kids jot down what’s special about God’s creation to them. If scavenger hunts are more your
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A Place Called Special, Mama
Monday, 22 May 2023
Hey Mama, If you’re wondering whether you can homeschool your special needs child or are looking for suggestions from moms who’ve been there, check out these articles. Ten Reasons to Homeschool Your Child With Special Needs Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child Is Special Needs Homeschooling Possible? And remember . . . YOU are right where you’re
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History for Every Grade Level, Mama
Monday, 15 May 2023
Hey Mama, One of the best ways to make learning history exciting is to experience it. If you take a lot of trips like we do, you can visit historic places. Some people like to dress up and act out history. Others enjoy reading fiction and non-fiction books about the past. Whatever you do, ditch the
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How Do You Navigate Your Homeschool Convention, Mama?
Monday, 08 May 2023
Hey Mama, Homeschool conventions can be overwhelming, but there’s nothing quite like being able to touch and examine curriculum as you decide what will work for your kids. The best parts of a convention, though, are meeting new friends, attending workshops, and the vibe of thousands of homeschool families all in one place. Not sure
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What’s a Co-op, and How Do You Start One, Mama?
Monday, 03 April 2023
Hey Mama, If you’re wondering whether joining a co-op is the right thing for your family, read these articles. “To Co-op or Not to Co-Op-That is the Question“ “10 Essential Elements of a Successful Homeschool Co-op“ Now here’s some encouragement as you make decisions about co-ops, curriculum, and other things. You have freedom to love,
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Do You Need a Homeschool Support Group, Mama?
Monday, 20 March 2023
Hey Mama, Do you need a homeschool support group? Yes, you do! Encouraging one another is just as important for homeschoolers as it is for believers in Christ (Hebrews 10:25). There is something special about traveling a road with others who are headed in the same direction. If you don’t have a homeschool support group,
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday