Hey Mama Monday: What Are YOU Reading? Children Follow by Example, Mama
Tuesday, 07 June 2022
Let them catch your love of reading and model your reading behavior. Seems so easy. Not always. It works for most kids. Then there are those who don’t love to read. Maybe it’s physically hard for them to read, they have a learning disability, or maybe it’s just not something they enjoy doing. I had
- Published in - Reading, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Graduation Party and Gift Ideas
Wednesday, 01 June 2022
It’s that time of year – time for graduation! Do you have a child graduating? My youngest granddaughter just finished preschool and had a cap and gown ceremony. So adorable! Are you planning a graduation celebration for your high school or college senior? All of our kids had different ceremonies and get-togethers. Our two
- Published in Articles, Blog, High School
Hey Mama Monday: Teachable Moments, Mama
Monday, 30 May 2022
Hey Mama, When you homeschool, you have the gift of time. Time to be a super model. Not the kind the world drools over. I mean the real kind – a model of the Lord your God. A super role model to your children, who are always watching. You’re not perfect, and you
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
5 Simple Ways to Teach the Meaning of Memorial Day
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Every year my kids love Memorial Day because they know that their dad will be off work. Traditionally, we have off school as well and go to a picnic with friends. The true meaning of Memorial Day sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. We focus on the picnic, friends, and the fact that local pools
Hey Mama Monday: Can You Teach Civics & Government, Mama?
Monday, 23 May 2022
Hey Mama, It’s almost June . . . and then on to July . . . can you believe it? Summer always seems to fly by (even though it’s hardly started), and with summer comes BBQs, picnics, fireworks, and 4th of July! I love hearing phrases like “one nation under God” and “in
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday, Unit Study
Lifestyle of Learning on the Family Vacation
Friday, 20 May 2022
Traveling is a blast! Your kids probably love airports and road trips. Every family vacation is an opportunity to learn, especially if we go somewhere where they speak a different language or we see new sites. Planning a vacation is a life skill that our kids need. We can be proactive in making our
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, Articles, Blog
Poetry – Summer Reading Relaxation
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
“Mary had a little lamb. “Its fleece was white as snow “Everywhere that Mary went, “The lamb was sure to go.” “Jesus loves me, this I know. “For the Bible tells me so. “Little ones to him belong. “They are weak and he is strong.” What do these
- Published in - Resources, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: The Solution for Family Stress: Family Rest, Mama!
Monday, 16 May 2022
Hey Mama, Is there stress or strife in your family? When the family isn’t rested, there tends to be more stress and strife among its members. I don’t know about you, but our summer so far has been the busiest ever. In fact, we have been doing nothing but running around (all really
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday