What Are Homesteaders and Are They Homeschoolers?
Wednesday, 05 October 2022
As the homesteading movement continues to grow, many are left wondering what are homesteaders? This term has recently been revived as more families choose the life of self-sufficiency. It is important to begin by pointing out the difference between a farm and a homestead. The main difference is its size. A homestead is essentially a
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement
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Conferences in 2021 – Homesteaders of America
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
What plans did you have in 2020 that were abruptly canceled due to the unexpected COVID-19 virus? Mine are too numerous to count. I thrive on booking hotel rooms early, planning, and knowing that all of my family’s needs will be taken care of well in advance, especially for a homeschool convention or event.
- Published in - Resources, Articles, Blog