Take It Outside

I can’t think of a better thing to do than to take it—the whole family—outside as the weather begins to heat up. As the weather changes, why not study it? One of our mini-courses is Wondrous Weather. Elementary students can explore the science of weather conditions, the tools of meteorologists, methods of weather observation, and methods of weather forecasting. Hands-on experiments, printable worksheets, and projects are included as students learn about snow and rain; the sun, rainbows, and meteorology tools; hail, tornados, and observing the weather; and hurricanes, thunderstorms, and weather forecasting. While you’re all outside, why not discover the Wonderful World of Bugs? Elementary and middle school students can spend four weeks learning why we should study bugs, what exactly a bug is, the lifecycles of butterflies and moths, and the practice of nature journaling. Hands-on assignments are included in this mini-course as well, as are written assignments for families who choose not to bring nature indoors!
Tammie Bairen
Editor, SchoolhouseTeachers.com
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine