Taking Grammar off the Shelf

Are your shelves overflowing with textbooks? If you have more than one child to teach, you probably do. SchoolhouseTeachers.com can help! Consider Daily Grammar. We have five different levels available: 3rd-4th grade, 5th grade, 6th-7th grade, 7th-8th grade (our newest level), and 1st grade (currently in production). With all of the lessons and worksheets on your computer, you won’t need to buy another bookshelf. Simply choose the level, or levels, you need, go through the lessons, and print out the worksheets for your students. In 3rd-4th, the lessons and worksheets cover capitalization, synonyms and antonyms, punctuation, parts of speech, word usage, and more. Daily Grammar 5th grade reviews many concepts and works on sentence structure and diagramming. Sentence dissection and diagramming take center stage in 6th-7th grade, along with the necessary review to reinforce grammar skills. Daily worksheets are being made available for 7th-8th grade and 1st grade. Older students will begin by dissecting Bible verses as they search for the parts of a sentence, clauses, sentence type, etc. Younger students can learn to decode vowel sounds and comprehend digraphs and phonograms with fun videos. With the equivalent of more than three textbooks’ worth of grammar material online, how will you use all that empty space on your shelves?
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC