The Connection

Have your kids ever wondered why they need to learn algebra? What did you tell them? I know I’ve told my kids they might just need it for the career they choose. “You never know,” I say. Now you have the chance to share the connection. For those students who have taken Algebra I and are ready for the next step in their math sequence, Algebra II is now available. Heidi Kinney shares a full-year course that includes textbook reading, practice problems, homework, and unit tests. Key vocabulary is highlighted, and study tips are included. An answer key is also included. All About Careers is designed for elementary and middle school students, but older students and parents can benefit from this course, which helps children better understand the world around them by learning about many of the occupations that people are involved in and love. It is an in-depth study that has been thoroughly researched and introduced along with engaging text, fun activities, and special learning adventures and ideas for further creative exploration. Throughout this course, you will likely find an occupation that requires an understanding of higher math skills, like algebra and geometry, among the artist, chef, veterinarian, doctor, firefighter, farmer, military personnel, missionary, police officer, pilot, and video game designer professions explored.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine