What is wrong with me? I am definitely not ready to even think about school yet. In fact, I am feeling a little down. Maybe because I am:
- Getting over a cold and caring for others who are sick
- Doctor and pharmacy visits and nighttime vigils
- Hospitality for out of town family
- Dealing with painful relationship issues
- Having to put aside important work-related issues
- Missing my loved ones who live far away
- Recovering from the holidays–as is my house and my body
- Missing my routine of prayer and study times
- Feeling like I am going in circles and ending up in the same place
My biggest problem: the focus of that whole list was: me! The real reason for my blues: I need a change of perspective:
- God has given us food, clothes and a warm house in which to live and laugh and love.
- God has always provided enough to share with others.
- God continues to give me strength for one more day (and children helpers in training).
- God has provided a bounty in His Word so my soul can delight in fatness.
- Jesus was afflicted, rejected, and reviled by men so that I might live and move and have my being in Him (especially in those difficult relationships).
- God has sent people to my house that He might draw them to Himself, and teach us all to be loving servants.
- The Holy Spirit is doing His work in the hearts and lives of my children and teens as I find help at His throne of grace.
- God gives me the desire and ability to do His will while teaching me the grace of flexibility.
- Jesus is worth celebrating every day, all year round!
- God has blessed me to keep my children home where they belong to train for His purposes and discover what they were created to do for Him.
Real life can be discouraging, especially now, and our hearts can be easily overwhelmed. This is when we need to get a higher perspective from a safe, strong place:
“Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.” (Psalm 61:1-3)
He knows our frame that we are but dust. He is the Excellency of power that dwells in us and holds us together. Cry out; He hears. To Him be the glory, and the power, forever and ever, Amen!
If you are wondering if you are achieving anything by homeschooling, check this out. You will be highly encouraged.
~ Deborah
Raising Real Men

January 6 is our family’s official end of the Christmas season. It’s the date many celebrate as Epiphany, the Feast of the Three Kings, or “Old Christmas” (many people used to exchange gifts on this “twelfth day of Christmas” instead of December 25th!) We’ll be taking down the tree, packing the decorations, and drinking our last round of eggnog tonight.
But for nearly all of us, the start of the calendar is the time to resume our routines–and getting back to homeschooling may be as hard as getting back to the office or factory after vacation. It may be harder because we load ourselves with resolutions: “This is the year we
Start Early and
Finish Everything and
Do It Right The First Time and
Really Go To The Gym.”
Give grace to yourself and your family. January 1 isn’t Fairy Godmother Day … lasting change takes time, whether it means losing 25 pounds or getting everybody back on a schedule for school. It’s okay to take a little time to transition, rather than expecting and hoping for instant change. Lighten up on the guilt, whether your own or what you put on your family.
Renew the love of learning. January is a good time to do some fun activities. Take a field trip. Watch some science or history videos. Bu
ild a model. Get dirty. Do a unit study. Explore something.
Remember your attitude’s important. Face it–kids take a lot of emotional cues from their parents. If we’re down in the dumps and full of dread and boredom about teaching, they will respond that way about
learning. Pray about it before you start the day. Set a cheerful tone for yourselves!
Don’t forget the environment. January can be a damp, cold, gray sort of time. Turn up the lights, be sure to take your vitamins, and make your school room a bubble of positive sights and sounds no matter how dingy the weather outside.
The apostle Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4), and Nehemiah said, “The joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) Let’s embrace the new year and press on to follow close to the One who gives us that joy!
In Christ,
Hal and Melanie
Of course, the changing schedules and excitement of the holidays might bring out the wild in your boy. Are you wondering what got into him? Are you seeing behavior and mood changes you didn’t expect? Are you looking at your high schooler and worrying if you’ve covered everything before they graduate? Check out our popular webinar series, Boyhood Boot Camp (for parents of boys 9 and under), Boot Camp 9-12 (for parents with pre-teen boys), and PreFlight (for teens and their parents, too) — and use coupon code thmnewyear for 30% off! CLICK HERE AND FIND OUT MORE!
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The Familyman

Christmas is over … now get back to work.
The question, “When are you starting school back up?” is typically asked at least once or twice over the holiday table. I know it was asked of my wife at least twice. I know it’s asked from a sincere interest with no malice intended. In fact, I know they don’t even really care when we’re starting. But I just feel myself bristle when we’re asked that.
My wife graciously answers, “Oh, probably on Monday after the New Year, unless I still haven’t recovered from the holiday mess.” I, on the other hand, feel mean and want to say, “We’ll start whenever we want to start. What’s it to you?” I know. I know. That’s a tad harsh and over reactive. But that’s how I feel. I hate that we homeschoolers LET the non-homeschooling world dictate when we start back up.
They have to get back into the swing. That’s how teachers get paid and parents get their free babysitting back. But we homeschool and know when it feels right to get back into things.
So, hear me well: You start whenever you feel like starting!!! Maybe you will have already begun (and that’s OK if that’s what YOU want) but maybe it will be another week or TWO. You jump back in when you’re ready and don’t let anyone guilt you into starting one minute earlier.
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Contest Corner
For the month of January 2016
As parents, all of us wish to point to worthy heroes as examples to our children. Sadly, our culture seldom promotes those values and character qualities that one can pronounce as “heroic.” If this has been a concern in your heart you will undoubtedly find the Schoolhouse Crew’s newest review encouraging.
YWAM Publishing is a company that desires to provide quality literature that promotes prayer, discipleship, evangelism and mercy ministries. Their books introduce us to men and women that have been heroes throughout history. Rather than list facts and events, YWAM Publishing’s team of authors have enveloped their readers in the true character and sacrifice of their subjects.
The Crew had the privilege of reviewing books from two series of the YWAM catalog. The Heroes of History Series feature political figures such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Ronald Reagan. The Christian Heroes: Then & Now Series of books focuses on those men and women who have devoted their lives to answer God’s call. Missionaries like Amy Carmichael and Jim Elliot are featured.
YOU can WIN this the Heroes of History book, John Adams: Independence Forever, and the Unit Study Curriculum Guide CD to go with it!
Email Heather (hmader@thehomeschoolmagazine.com) with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, “ John Adams Set” for a chance to win* it for your family!
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Dunwoody, GA
“What I appreciate most about Todd’s column is that he never assumes he knows what is best for me… but he KNOWS that God knows & encourages me to find that & follow that. Thanks for all the encouragement over the years!”
Kannapolis, NC
“…I appreciate them both so much. I love Diana’s passion for teaching history in a fun and interesting way. And that she is all about relationships first. I love that about Todd as well, and that he always, always says it is okay to relax about the schooling.“
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Everett, WA
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