Relational Homeschooling
Are you enjoying the delights of summer yet? If not, let me encourage you to GO OUTSIDE!!
Laugh, play, rest, and refresh. Doesn’t that sound like FUN? It is actually so good for what ails you (and me) that I think I will take my own advice …
Now, onto today’s topic: Homeschooling the Only Child. Having been an only child, I have some strong opinions on this subject, from the viewpoint of the student.
First, you need to create an environment for your child where learning is delightful. Believe it or not, the very best method for this is not found in a curriculum. Instead, it is found in your heart. If you ever experienced being in a classroom where the teacher liked you, really liked you, you know what I am talking about. When you walk in the door and the teacher’s eyes light up, when she gives you a sense that you are smart and able to learn, when you know that she is cheering you on (rather than looking to undermine your efforts), learning is transformed into a highly enjoyable endeavor with loads of success.
You might call it being “Teacher’s Pet.” Make your only child (or each of your children, for that matter!), your very own Teacher’s Pet–with all of the positive benefits that implies.
Second, take the time to learn about the eight intelligences! An only child may be quite happy being on his own (if he has a strong intrapersonal intelligence) or, conversely, he may prefer to be with people (if he has a strong interpersonal intelligence). He may be thrilled to go outside (naturalist intelligence) or play an instrument (musical intelligence). He may be highly skilled with words (linguistic intelligence) or with numbers (math-logical intelligence). He might be a mover and leaper (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence) or painter and designer (spatial intelligence). He will be a unique combination of these eight intelligences, in varying strengths (and weaknesses).
If you become familiar with these different kinds of “smart,” it will help you immensely in navigating the waters of homeschooling with an only child!
Remember, stay relational!
P.S. Be sure to enter my Experience History Through Music giveaway this week!! Click here to enter. Someone is going to win over $700 in fabulous prizes!!
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

Did you know? Every class is INCLUDED for members! No limits!
What’s New on How does a chance to earn a free membership to sound? We have more than two dozen Daily courses on our site and more scheduled to come this fall, but we’ve got dozens more we’d like to create. That’s where we need your help. Everyone who contributes regularly to as a contributor earns a free membership to the site for their family for as long as they are part of the team. The deadlines are flexible (life interrupts all our plans from time to time!). The teamwork is rewarding, and the options are limitless.
We’d like to hear your ideas, and we’d like to share some of our own. Could you help us create Dailies about:
- U.S. history
- State history
- Ireland
- Geography
- Science
- Astronomy and outer space
- Pets and/or other animals
- Preschool activities to bring picture books to life
- Hands-on exploration of a topic (one week or longer) on a huge range of topics including trains, planes, cars, harvest, thankfulness, sun, moon, cowboys, Native Americans, short and tall, big and small, fractions, astronauts, baseball, basketball, football, spring, rain, flowers, bugs, books, rocks, lakes, field trips, national parks, beaches, ocean, trees, baking, cooking, fruit, sewing, quilting, crafts, colors.
- Shakespeare
- Art appreciation
- Composers (currently doing a jazz series; open to ideas for other series)
- U.S. Presidents
- Counting/numbers for little ones
- Unit studies (two-four weeks long) on a variety of topics including the Egyptians, Ming Dynasty, Russia/Czars, Farm to Table ( how your food goes from a farm to market and then to you.), the water cycle, flowers, trees, Aztecs, Mayans, any location on the globe such as London, Paris, Mexico (both historical or modern; road schooling ideas welcome).
- Recipes that explore world cultures (must be original recipes)
If any of this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, please e-mail Julie Coney AND Bonnie Rose Hudson (it really helps us if you copy us both!) at:
Thank you! We look forward to talking with you!
Is Your Teen a Poet?
If you have a teenager that likes to write poetry, TOS would like to publish his/her poem in the 2015 Annual Print Book (Big Book).
We are looking for poems that are 300 words or less about any of the following topics:
- family
- the Lord
- your teen’s life
- education in general
Please send your submissions to Heather at by July 5, 2014. We will be selecting 10 poems. So have your teen get his/her pen and paper out and possibly get published in the next TOS Big Book!
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
Be encouraged, enlightened, and educated with the 2014 Annual Print Book published by The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
You’ll get a year’s worth of homeschool support in over
280 pages in this full color one-of-a-kind print magazine for homeschoolers, by homeschoolers.
This is a magazine you’ll refer to again and again.
Get your copy of the TOS 2014 Print
Annual Edition today and pay just $15.
Or you can buy both the 2014 and the
2013 Annual Prints for $25!
Free shipping to U.S. only.
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“I am amazed at the number of times I open The Homeschool Minute newsletter and have the opportunity to read EXACTLY what I need that day! Thank you so much for putting a real face on homeschooling.”
–Michelle Sager
Liberty Twp, OH
“I really appreciate all the information and the many uplifting articles in your magazines. Invaluable. Thanks for all you’re doing to help us homeschoolers.
–Kathy P.
Stanton, TX
“Only just this past week have I seriously checked into the content of the site … May I just say wow?!”
–Janelle Chille
Mason City, IA
“I really enjoy reading all the THM articles. I learn a lot from Todd Wilson’s column. [He’s a] funny guy who speaks the simple truth! Thank you very much!”
Brandon, FL
“I look forward to THM every Wednesday. I really enjoy Deborah’s articles. For some reason, it must be God, she always writes about what I am needing to hear. Her ability to put scripture and God in the middle of all her articles keeps me coming back. I recently have been enjoying the Youngs’ [articles] because I have a young man (10) in my house. The encouragement of the Youngs is fabulous. I thank God for parents like them that pave the way for parents like myself and my husband.”
–Racheal Fowler
Glen Burnie, Maryland
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–Leigh Anne McGrady
Dunwoody, GA
“I love the new TOS app! So convenient. So quick. All the encouragement I need at my fingertips … any place at any time.”
“Thanks ever so much. I love the encouraging articles! I really loved the list of 25 all in one place. Nice to have this little bit of “free” encouragement in my mail. I don’t have funds to subscribe or purchase frills and with also working more than half time I don’t have time to search it out. May God bless you exceedingly.”
rural Kansas
“I absolutely love Todd’s column. He always seems to put things in the proper perspective, and it keeps me from getting all stressed and anxious. Thanks Todd, and thanks TOS!!”
–Johnne Orelchikov
East Texas
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