Hey Mama,
Our family loves to take road trips. They may not all be “official” field trips, but we have fun and the kids learn a lot! Besides, being spontaneous and taking advantage of opportunities when we see them is part of the journey.
Check out this article for tips on creating meaningful field trips:
Bringing a Field Trip to Life – Jennifer Padgett
And don’t forget …
You’re a teacher, a cook, a medic, a song leader, a prayer warrior, a supermodel, a home-keeper and even a homesteader. You look at the BIG picture and you first tackle what is important: the priorities of kids and family. You love your husband with all your heart. You are faithful and you love the Lord.
Stop muttering stuff under your breath about being a failure. Nothing could be more untrue.
You are SUCH a winner. Daughter of the King of kings …you are loved and you are doing so well.
His hand is on your head today. So walk … you’re in His plan doing what He has sovereignly and lovingly set you to do. No whip being held over you; it’s simply not there. Just His love, His faithfulness. He will never leave you.
Pray for those kids. He gave them to you for a reason. He loves them. He loves you. Pray, pray, pray. He has a plan.
Well done, Mama. As usual, you are on target. Stay the course.
~ gena
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Relational Homeschooling

Dear Friends,
Happy Fourth of July (almost)!!! Don’t you just LOVE all the excitement, fun, and fireworks on this specifically American holiday? It is a time to celebrate America’s birth as a nation, and, as parents, to help our kids learn more about who we are as a people.
Today’s topic–field trips–is a perfect opportunity to take our kids by the hand and dive headlong into America’s story.
So … here’s the question:
Where do you live?
If you are on the East Coast, there are dozens of field trips you might consider taking, like Jamestown, Plimoth Plantation, Old Sturbridge Village, Colonial Williamsburg, George Whitfield’s House, Independence Hall, the Freedom Trail, Minute Man National Park, Monticello, and Washington D.C.
In the Midwest, look for field trip opportunities of historic interest, like Conner Prairie, Greenfield Village, Frontier Trails museum, and, of course, Mt. Rushmore!
On the West Coast, here are a few recommendations for places you can explore with your kids: the California Gold Rush, the Oregon Trail, Fort Vancouver (where I once volunteered).
And if you don’t live close to any of these, don’t worry. There are historic sites all over our country. No matter where you live, there is some interesting place not too far from you, where American history will come alive for you and your kids! Ask friends and neighbors for their best suggestions if you don’t know where to start. Do a little research online, download information to share with your kids, and then, jump in your car and check it out.
That’s what we did about a month ago. Someone had mentioned to us a spot in Indiana where they actually have a horse-drawn canal boat–similar to what were used on the Erie Canal in the mid-1800s.
What an experience! Though I had read many times of what it was like to be on a canal boat pulled along by horses (at 4 mph), and had even heard anecdotes from friends about their ancestors’ experience of traveling on the Erie Canal, it was SO incredible to actually experience thirty minutes of it for myself on the Whitewater Historic Canal. This whole slice of Americana suddenly came to life!
And that, my friends, is what can happen when you venture out into the wonderful world of field trips.
And, remember, stay relational.
P.S. If you need help bringing American history to life, I have a FABULOUS solution! Check out my Experience History Through Music books and CDs-on our best sale of the year: $49.95 AND free shipping through July 25!! Use this code- HTMFourthofJuly -at checkout.
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The Familyman

In the field trip world you’re either in the “doing” or “wanting to do” camp. Most people fall in the “wanting to do” category and say phrases like, “We’ve always wanted to go…always wanted to do…one of these days we’re going to go/do…next year…blah blah blah.”
I’m telling you, the homeschool world is filled with good-intention field trips that never come to fruition. My wife on the other hand is the ‘doing’ type. She doesn’t just talk about doing such and such, she get’s it done.
Right now she’s about to take several of our younger kids on a bike ride on a nearby trail. It’s new around here and she’s been talking about doing it for about a month. Now she’s going to do it. I questioned her timing, knowing this is about as busy as we get in the old Familyman Department, but her words to me were, and I quote, “I just want to be doing what’s most important. And maybe taking a bike ride is more important than all the other stuff I need to get done.”
Boom. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is. She’s not just wanting to do…she’s DOING. And here’s the secret about doing…there is no secret. You just have to do it.
So let me encourage you to take the little trip to the park you’ve been talking about…check out the beach everyone is talking about, the museum, playground, or bike trail and be a Doer!
I got to go load the bikes in the van…and check their tires. Her doing usually means work for me. But I’m glad to do it…except when I’m not.
Be real,
PS – My October speaking loop is complete except for one opening on Tuesday Oct. 16th. So I’m looking for a homeschool group (or groups) in or near Ocala, FL that would like to have me come speak on that date. If that’s you, I’d love to hear from you. I’m telling you ‘the price is right’ for a great night of encouragement!!! Contact me!
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Whether you are looking for field trip ideas or want to plan a fun staycation, check out Everyday Explorers on SchoolhouseTeachers.com! You can explore the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand right from your own home; learn about the history and stories of these nations; and if you live close to any of the places mentioned, you just might find yourself planning a road trip!
Come explore with us!
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