Raising Real Men
We all have plans and dreams for our kids’ homeschool experience. And often our best efforts are frustrated by events, budgets, or catastrophe. At different times in the past two decades, our homeschooling routine has been upended by high-risk pregnancies, job loss, birth defects, financial crisis, and cancer treatment. There are times when it was all we could do to keep our family life together, let alone carry out our intention of a rigorous and creative education for our children.
In the midst of these train wrecks, though, we learned several principles:
- God is at work even when our plans have gone in the ditch. God has told us He works all things together for good, to those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).
- Most of the time, a temporary disruption can be caught up. When your kids graduate from high school, nobody will ever ask if they finished 5th grade math “on time.”
- Cover the basics and let the electives float. Keep up with things like reading and math, which are foundations for so many following courses, and let “extras” move to the back burner.
- Keep your support network involved. We’re told to “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) If we don’t tell our church, friends, or support group when we’re hurting, how can they live out the love of Jesus?
Not only is God faithful to uphold His people in the midst of trial–we found that our children learned a very important lesson by watching how their parents handle trouble. Don’t be afraid to let you children know when times are tight, when money is short, or when Mom or Dad is concerned-but be sure they also know that you are trusting your Heavenly Father to be there when you call. Sometimes, we find God’s curriculum for our family is not the one we picked out … but it always turns out to be the best one!
Yours in the Battle,
Hal and Melanie
PS. Are you going through times of testing and doubt? Don’t drop your kids at the bus stop until you’ve heard our workshop,
“Just As I Am: Homeschooling in Hard Times.” It’s personal, practical, encouraging, and downloadable from our website here
… along with other great resources like our super-helpful guide to celebrating a Christ-Centered Thanksgiving, We Gather Together. Get it here.
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