Hey, Mama,
Homeschool conventions can be overwhelming, but there’s nothing quite like being able to touch and examine curriculum as you decide what will work for your kids. The best parts of a convention, though, are meeting new friends, attending workshops, and the vibe of thousands of homeschool families all in one place.
Not sure about attending or wondering how to get started once you get there? Check out these articles from the magazine:
“An Insider’s Guide to Conventions” – Maggie S. Hogan
“Ten Rules for Homeschool Convention Etiquette” – Linda Brodsky
“Convention Attendance: Preparation for the Next School Year” – Wendy Hilton
And remember if you’re feeling discouraged and can’t wait for that convention pick-me-up …
- You made it through another day.
- Your kids are walking the same journey with you.
- It’s a madhouse sometimes, but everyone knows they are loved.
- You are the team God put together. Everyone fills a much-needed role.
- The BIGGER PICTURE is the long-lasting one. You are a Mama who endures. You are a family running a good race.
- You’re not hung up on the little fails and bumps. Together, they are woven into that big tapestry, ie: the big picture.
- It all means something. It’s not random. There is purpose and joy.
And His hand is on your head today.
~ gena
Spend wisely at your next convention by investing in your own homeschooling skills and toolbox. Choose resources that will work for your family by taking Family Academy’s “Able to Teach”, an online course and/or reading
Homeschooling the High Schooler, written by experienced home educators with over 3 decades of experience.
Start something on Florida’s Playground: Navarre Beach
and Historic Milton. When vacation plans include lesson
plans, a lifetime interest begins.
Relational Homeschooling
From the March 20, 2014, issue of THM
Dear Friends,
Imagine asking a doctor, “Do we need doctors?”, or a fire fighter, “Do we need fire fighters?”, or a museum curator, “Do we need curators?” … Of course each would answer, “YES!” There is a certain subjectivity, with an answer framed from the self-interest of continuing their careers, isn’t there? Even though that is obvious, nevertheless, when we stop and look at the question objectively, we agree that there really IS a need for doctors, fire fighters and curators.
I bring this up at the start of today’s topic because, honestly, all of us writing in this column have a certain subjectivity to our answers. If you all stopped coming to conventions, it would greatly impact our ability to continue doing what we do. Even with that on the table, nevertheless, when we stop and look at the topic objectively, I’m here to tell you that there really IS a need for conventions–and your ability to homeschool will be greatly enhanced by going.
Why? Because first of all, there is no substitute for experiencing something in person. I appreciate the internet–I’m so grateful for the amazing things we can discover, learn more about, see images of, listen to, watch, and purchase on the worldwide web. Yet, if I have the chance to hear a lecturer in person and ask questions afterwards, if I can watch a cooking demonstration and actually taste the flavors as the food is being cooked, if I can look at a science book and also ask the scientist who authored it to explain his perspective, if I can see a botanical garden and actually walk the grounds, touch the plants, smell the flowers, and talk with a horticulturalist–then I have had an authentic, experiential, hands-on (or tasting, smelling, seeing, hearing) adventure that “virtual reality” does not encompass.
If you go to a convention, you can experience things that are not possible online. You can talk to authors, listen to speakers, meet other homeschoolers, find resources that you would otherwise miss, put your hands on the books you’ve been considering and discover if they are as good as you had hoped, and experience what it is to be among thousands of others who are walking the same journey as you.
Secondly, I have learned that there are times I don’t even know what I don’t know.
Let me give you an example of that. If I think I know what education is, but my basis for knowing is only what I experienced as a child in school–and I don’t stop to ask, “Wait, is that all there is?”–then I will mistakenly think, “Oh, yes, I know what education means. All I need is the right curriculum, the right co-op, the right lesson plans, and then I will achieve my goals.” The reality is far different, isn’t it? Children are incredibly complex, with different learning styles, different developmental stages of growth, different interests, and different needs. If I don’t know enough about education to understand that there are varying ways to approach it, then I won’t ask the questions that could unlock an amazingly adventurous, treasure-strewn journey of learning. And once you get started learning about the particulars of education, there is still more to learn. There are nuances and details that you will discover as you look at the incredible resources available in an exhibit hall, and as you listen to national speakers who have paved the trail before you–with wisdom that comes from going the distance and gaining the perspective of many years of homeschooling.
Should you go? Absolutely. Hope to see you there!
Remember, stay relational,
Our interactive, digital magazine, created by a homeschooling mom, engages your children as we explore the not-so-ordinary world
around us. Ages 5-11. $20/yr.
Check out this incredible new movie from home-school families
that is
premiering in
theaters in April! Watch the trailer for
this incredible
family-adventure film then reserve your tickets today:
Click the video image to watch the official trailer. |
Go to
and click the SHARE button underneath the Beyond The Mask trailer (the current top post
on the page). Then add the copy above and post to your page.
THANKS for helping spread the word.
The Art of Reading
Adam is very busy with his schedule this week. In the meantime, you can learn more about Adam and Center For Lit here.
Your MollyGreen.com annual membership now includes our quarterly PRINT magazine mailed right to your door! Join us in sharing all things HOMEsteading, HOMEkeeping, HOMEschooling, and HOMEindustry!
The clock is ticking! Only one week remains to lock in your SchoolhouseTeachers.com membership at $5.95/month. Sign up today for $1 and you’ll be automatically renewed at the sale price at the end of the thirty-day trial. The Mad March Markdown sale ends on March 31, 2015. Lock in this special rate for as long as you keep your membership, no matter how many new classes and features we add. One membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com serves your entire family, regardless of how many children you are homeschooling or their ages. There are no per-child fees, and courses are not live so you can start them any time.
Sign up now for the upcoming FREE
Schoolhouse Expo – Reading Clinic!
Thursday, May 7, 2015 – 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM CST
The Reading Clinic will feature the following speakers and topics:
Reading and Writing the Natural Way – Dr. Mary Hood What to Do When Mothering is a Mess – Christine Field
Understanding Your Boy’s Learning Style – Hal and Melanie Young
Overcoming Obstacles – Deborah Wuehler
Click here and get your free ebook 7 Things You Should Know When Choosing Homeschool Curriculum from Excellent Quests.
Wanted: Homeschool families to test digital media
library designed for home educators.
SmartKidz Media, is a membership site that offers homeschoolers a comprehensive digital media library of over 1,000 titles of supplemental learning in a safe, controlled home environment.
Family members from preschool to high school and even special needs can view this library on any device, at any time, and any place.
If you’d like to join a focus group to test this digital homeschool library, click to complete a short survey. Those who complete the focus group and exit survey will receive a full year, free membership!
What Am I Achieving Anyway?
The Old Schoolhouse®
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Click here to get access to back issues of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
Contest Corner
For the month of March 2015
Heritage History World History Curriculum
Heritage History has compiled an extensive collection of Historical Books and organized them into collections. Each Collection has a theme of study, providing a student with a well-rounded World History Curriculum beginning in the 4th grade and moving through the High School years.
Schoolhouse Review Crew
members were given a variety of CD resources to review and use in their homeschool. These are two of them.
The British Empire collection focuses on 18th and 19th century world history, with a special emphasis on colonial development. Stories that highlight scientific discovery, exploration, invention and industry are featured, along with those that cover regional histories of Ireland, Canada, British Africa, India, and East Asia. This CD resource includes 57 books, 50+ maps, teaching aids, and a Study Guide.
The British Middle Ages collection features books that cover the 5th through 17th centuries in Europe and the British Isles. Topics include barbarian invasions, Christian conversion, feudalism, mediaeval war-craft, church-state conflicts, and the Reformation, all covered with a special focus on British history. This resource includes 55 books, 60+ maps, teaching aids, and a Study Guide.
(Read about the rest of the product and all the reviews at this link!)
YOU can WIN this resource!
TO ENTER: Email Heather with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, “Heritage History” for a chance to win* this for your family!
or download the free mobile apps at
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“I look forward to THM every Wednesday. I really enjoy Deborah’s articles. For some reason, it must be God, she always writes about what I am needing to hear. Her ability to put scripture and God in the middle of all her articles keeps me coming back. I recently have been enjoying the Youngs’ [articles] because I have a young man (10) in my house. The encouragement of the Youngs is fabulous. I thank God for parents like them that pave the way for parents like myself and my husband.”
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“I absolutely love Todd’s column. He always seems to put things in the proper perspective, and it keeps me from getting all stressed and anxious. Thanks Todd, and thanks TOS!!“
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East Texas
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