Hey Mama,
Public schools have little to offer families who want to pass their faith on to their children.Their teaching of godless philosophies is a threat to your children’s faith and to your family. Plus the Lord gave us the responsibility of teaching our children:
“You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your sons may be multiplied on the land which the LORD swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens remain above the earth.” Deuteronomy 11:18-19 (NASB)
Take a moment to assess the “why” behind what you do all day long-parenting and homeschooling.
- You have a natural, God-given drive to love your children with everything you’ve got. Nothing can break that chain, and nothing/no one better even try …
- You have a strong conviction to teach your children who the Lord of lords is. You want to introduce them to their Savior. You desire to spend eternity with them, even if it means some hard things will happen between the two of you during this life. You’re committed. You’re dedicated, come what may.
- God is in it. He’s given you SO MUCH GRACE. So many blessings! So much undeserved grace, and you know it! You have seen His hand over and over again. You desire to give something back and to be the mouthpiece God uses in the lives of your children. You sincerely wish to be used by Him to shape these children into ones who will love and seek after Him all their days. A legacy of love …
- No one but you (and your husband) truly knows these children. When you look into their eyes, you see your own purpose fulfilling itself day by day. You know their hearts and you take *so very seriously* your role to whole-hardheartedly embrace this calling … this path God Himself has set you on to teach them at home.
No one can do this incredible work in the lives of THESE EXACT, PARTICULAR CHILDREN who have been set before you–just you. God put this together. He ordained it long, long before you were born. And you’re dead set to walk this journey with all the joy, tears, grief, excitement, blessings, surprises, and whatever else it brings. Because you know whose hand is on your head today, tomorrow, and for all of your life.
Take joy, Mama, in your King. He wins! You win!
You are loved, dearly. It’s all good; it’s all under control, because He is on the throne. Just walk.
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The Familyman

Is public school an option? Yes. In the same way private school is an option…or boarding school for that matter. The question is: is public school an option for YOUR family?
It certainly isn’t for mine. Not that homeschooling is ever easy or non-messy, it’s just that I can’t put my children in a place that I don’t believe is a good place. How could it be? You can’t take your children, mix them with a bunch of non-Christian kids, and immerse them into a system that hates God, traditional marriage, and anyone who believes the Bible…and think it won’t influence them in a negative and permanent way.
Those are the facts. Now what was the question again?
Oh yeah. So for us it’s not an option…no matter how hard homeschooling may feel at the time. We know it’s best so that’s what we’re going to do. As for your family…you’ll have to decide that one. Let me just say that if it’s not an option for your family…then quit talking about it and keep on keeping on.
Note to dads – Your wife wants you to take a lead on this one.
Note to all homeschoolers – If your friend decides to put her children in public school, cut her some slack and believe that they are doing what they think is best. Don’t look down on them or distance yourself from them. Keep loving them no matter what.
To everyone…be real,
PS. Have me speak to your homeschool group! – Hey, did you know if you live within FIVE hours of me (Milford, IN), it’s super easy to have me come and speak to your homeschool group or church. Just fill out this form to get the ball rolling. Live a little further or have a small group? Check out the amazing Skype option.
PPS. Live in or around Ocala, FL? I’d love to speak to your homeschool group on Tuesday, Oct. 13th. If you’re group would be interested, contact me.
PPPS. Speaking in California – I’m still looking for a couple of speaking gigs in and around the LA area. I’ll be there Nov. 19-22. Contact me if you’re interested in having me speak to your group.
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