Are the textbooks working? Is there a subject you are not sure how to handle? Or maybe you just need something fresh? Whenever I am at a loss as to what to do with one of my children, whether in a certain subject, or I feel they need a new start because something (or everything) isn’t working, then I look into all the online learning options. Often, it is just the fresh start we all need.
Before I give you a bunch of links to research on the subject, I want to encourage you. YOU CAN do this. God gifted you with these children, and He will equip you to get the job done. He wants them discipled more than you do. Stop procrastinating thinking it is too hard. Roll up your sleeves and keep at it. Oh, and don’t forget the most important part: pray for God’s direction. Look to Him instead of relying on your (lack of) knowledge. He’s got all the wisdom and knowledge you need for your child. Lean on Him. Try Him and find out He’s ready to help. You are NOT a failure–that would mean it was all about you. You have a Faithful God writing your story. He will complete the work He begins. Move over and let Him work through you. You will have the victory … and you will gain it quicker on your knees.
“My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my life …” Psalm 73:26
Online Learning: Plugged In or Turned Off?, by Laura Baggett
Learning Art from a Distance, by Timothy Chambers
Online Learning Success, by Brandy Chandler
Online Learning with MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courseware), by Andy Harris
Check out The Old Schoolhouse’s Pinterest page! Tons of fun learning projects, articles and ideas right here.
And, of course, check out–so many teachers, so many subjects … all in one place and all for one price–no matter how many children use the site.
Here are real homeschool mom REVIEWS about
And more online learning REVIEWS right here.
God’s got your kids; we’ve got your back.
American School offers accredited paper-based and online courses for those wishing to earn a high school diploma or take individual courses for enrichment.
Raising Real Men
Years ago when we were newlyweds (and dinosaurs ruled the earth), we both took graduate classes by an extension program. A box of video tapes and textbooks arrived in the mail, and we arranged for someone to proctor our exams. It was a great improvement over the old “correspondence courses” we used to order from the back of magazines!
Years later, our homeschooled children take live classes over the Internet, including their tests. It’s a great improvement over the boxes of videotapes!
Online education is simply the next idea to allow students to learn from instructors a long way off. It can allow homeschoolers to take classes from top-flight teachers, and it can take a load off the homeschool teacher, too. We’ve used online programs for four of our students so far, and even taught some ourselves; here are a few tips we’ve learned.
Try before you buy. If you’ve never taken an online class before, consider trying a single course before investing in a large-scale program. There are courses available online for free, and some providers may offer sample classes to demonstrate their program.
Find an environment that works for you. Most online courses need a solid, high-speed Internet connection. You may need to ask family members to avoid streaming media or large file transfers while class is in session. On the other hand, it may be worth a trip to the library or a coffee shop to get a faster connection than you have at home (though be polite and become a customer if you need to camp out on a café Wi-Fi–consider a latte as an educational expense!)
Don’t wander off during class. It is s-o-o-o easy to “just check” social media, email, or other distractions when the action lags in class and before you know it, you missed half the lecture. Don’t do it! If you think of something you want to look up online, jot it down and check during breaks or after class.
Participate! It’s important in any class, but especially when the teacher can’t see you. That’s how the instructor knows you’re there … and showing the instructor courtesy and interest can make a difference when grading time comes. Besides, it makes the class more effective for everyone when all the players get in the game.
Be honest with yourself–does it work for you? The technology is a wonderful tool when it works, but some students have a hard time connecting with the teacher if they’re not face-to-face. That’s not a criticism, just a matter of self-awareness. And, to be honest, some teachers are not as effective online as in person, and sometimes the technology itself becomes an obstacle. Be willing to admit it, if the experiment isn’t the best ever.
Yours in the Battle,
Hal and Melanie
We offer interactive classes for parents. Boyhood Boot Camp, for parents of young boys, starts February 23, and Boot Camp 9-12, for parents of preteen boys, starts April 27 … though you can get the recorded version now! Come to our website at and search on “Boot Camp” for more information!
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The Familyman
Here are the ground rules for this week’s article on online learning:
1. I am not going to talk about the many evils and dangers of the internet, Facebook, or the techno-beast.*
2. I am going to restrict my comments toward higher learning … specifically, post high-school.
Now that that’s done let me begin by saying, “Colleges and Universities BEWARE!!!! Online learning is going to put many of you out of business.”
We live in a time of great educational change. I have witnessed firsthand the online shift with two of my children. My oldest, Ben (21), has a BA through an accredited online university. He completed it in about two and half years at a fraction of the cost with no debt. Now I would never say that it is better than a traditional university, but it is EQUIVALENT.
Those who argue otherwise are blowing smoke. I have a traditional degree (as well as a master’s) and my son’s degree is no less than mine. It involved hard work and diligence (mine didn’t).
But that’s not my only exposure. My second son, Sam (20 yesterday) is just a few months from completing an online program with Animation Mentor. Without going into all the details, it is taught by animators at major studios with the purpose of training animators for the industry.
It is an amazing program, and my son has excelled in it. But here’s the deal: MOST of his classmates have already completed an art degree (some in computer animation). And according to the grading scale HE has surpassed most of them (he’s homeschooled after all).
Here’s my point: Online study is going to rule the higher education world. It’s more efficient, more focused, and more practical for this world in which we live in. BUT it is not for everyone. Your child might need to go a traditional route, a non-school route, a trade route, a paper route ….
The philosophy that works for homeschooling in the lower twelve grade also works for higher learning. Don’t believe me? Just wait a few years and you’ll see it everywhere.
Be real,
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