Hey Mama,
There are many reasons why children struggle to learn or to read. Remember, when your child is struggling, it isn’t necessarily a reflection on your teaching ability. Some children simply take longer to learn and some have learning disabilities that need special accommodations. Seek the Lord’s wisdom and allow Him to guide you to the resources and help you need. Here are a few articles to help you as you teach your struggling learners/readers:
From Barking to Fluency – Helping you Focus While Your Struggling Reader Figures it Out
Struggling Readers – How Can We Help Them?
What Would Happen if You Did Not Teach Your Child to Read?
Finding a Path to Success
Homeschooling a Struggling Learner: Where Do I Find the Time?
Top Three Reasons to Homeschool Your Special Learner
And here’s some encouragement …
Our God is an awesome God. He reigns. He REIGNS. And nothing can snatch us out of His hand. We belong to Him. So just be available. What does He have next for you? Stand by, it’s coming. His ways are above ours, and He is working behind the scenes for our good. ALL things work together for GOOD for those who love Him. And you love Him! What is the next step? What now? Despite the problems, all the issues, He is on the throne. Be available. I can’t say this enough because it’s true. Know His word, apply it rightly, and be available. He will take care of the rest. He loves you, Mama. Daughter of the King, YOU are loved by your Heavenly Father.
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Relational Homeschooling

Dear Friends,
I have struggled with many things in my life. Some of them are major (like losing my grandson last fall), and some are minor (keeping up with the laundry). There are daily struggles, seasonal struggles, yearly struggles, and decades-long struggles.
So when it comes to today’s topic, I have a few thoughts about the heart of a struggler. Whether the struggle is reading, math, or following directions, here are some emotional/mental/spiritual needs that must be addressed.
Someone who is struggling needs your kindness.
If you have been told that every child should read by first grade, then a huge pressure arises in your heart when your six-year-old is not able to read. That pressure can easily find its way into your child’s heart. Then, not only is your child struggling to read, but now there is the added struggle of disappointing Mom and Dad. Feeling like a failure, trying desperately to please, and worrying about how to do what seems impossible adds SUCH a burden to your little six-year-old’s heart.
So, take a deep breath, lay aside the expectations, and simply be with your child. Listen to her heart, listen to his fears, and–with great kindness–express your unconditional love. Help ease those burdens.
Someone who is struggling needs gentle help.
There is something debilitating about dealing with failure. It gets to you, doesn’t it? Children feel that same way when struggling to read and struggling to learn. Even if they hide it, there is tremendous effort taking place inside to conquer the impossibility … until they are convinced that there is no hope. Hearing exasperation, sarcasm, and demeaning attitudes when you are struggling has a crippling effect on anyone at any age, but a child has few defenses (and NO perspective!).
So, as you help your child, do it gently. Take your time. Move forward slowly. Celebrate little steps of success. Don’t worry about what everyone else’s child is doing.
Someone who is struggling needs respect.
Regardless of the struggle, the person you are dealing with (whether adult or child) deserves your respect. A child might be slow to read, but incredibly good at encouraging a sibling. That is so important to recognize!
So, focus more and more on what your child does well. Communicate to all of your kids what amazing people they are, and the things you are observing about their incredible talents. That respect will give each one an internal confidence and courage to keep trying to read and learn.
Kindness, gentleness, respect. Three words that can change a person’s life.
Remember, stay relational.
PS. Exciting announcement!! I’m thrilled to be offering an online world history course for high schoolers, starting THIS September. I enthusiastically welcome your students into an environment designed for them to thrive! Please click here for more details and info. I can’t wait!!
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The Familyman

Say it with me, “I will not think about school, I will not think about school, I will not think about school.”
In fact, I’m not going to say much about school, because you should be enjoying summer. BUT I will say if you have a struggling learner or reader, cut him/her some slack and quit being a meany.
I know you are sometimes, because I am sometimes. Here’s the summer truth: your kids are right on track. They’re going to get it when they get it. Stop comparing, stop worrying, stop listening to the “experts,” smile more, and let your children learn in a safe and understanding place … your home.
OK, now stop reading this. Don’t think about school for at least a couple more weeks, don’t be a meany, and go enjoy your child who is learning at God’s pace.
Be real,
PS. Need a good summer read? Check out The Homeschool Experiment or Family is Hard, or listen to the must-hear audio CD This We Believe.
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