The Familyman
Once upon a time there was a homeschool mom who thought she could homeschool without taking a single break. Within a short time, her kids hated school, she dreaded school, and they all hated each other. The End.
Not a very pleasant little story, but a powerful reminder that you NEED to take breaks. Even the all-knowing “Institutional School” knows that breaks are important. That’s why they have Fall break, Spring break, Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, Parent/teacher breaks, and a half dozen other national holiday breaks.
They take those breaks because they all NEED breaks.
So do you. And, even if you love the whole school thing and get all jazzed up by doing school, I’m betting your children need the breaks.
The great thing about homeschooling is that you can take breaks when you need them, not just when they hit right on the calendar. In fact, you can and should be taking randombreaks often. They don’t have to be long, and they may just be starting the school day a little later or finishing it a little earlier, or taking the day off to go outside, go on a field trip, or play games.
I’m telling you Mom, if you don’t take breaks, you’ll kill everything you’re trying to accomplish. You’ll kill the love of learning and tarnish the reputation of homeschooling. Still can’t do it? Then listen to the homeschool expert who is telling you to take the day off, enjoy the fall weather and your children, get some things checked off your endless list and then start fresh the next day. That’s just what the doctor ordered.
Be real,
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