Hey Mama,
Today will be a good day because the Lord is in your life. Trials will come. Endure. He says you can, and He will never give you more than you can handle. Besides, it means the building of character, the growth of your Christian walk, and new wisdom and ability to discern if you are applying His word throughout your situation.
Situations will come and go. But the Lord your God and our Forever-Home … eternity – these endure always!! Get your eyes on the One who can move mountains, the One who cradles your heart.
Tomorrow, guess what? His mercies are new. Every single morning, Mama, they are new.
His hand is on your head. So walk today in the confidence that you are a daughter of the Living God…Princess Mama. That is you.
~ gena
PS. If you need help deciding what to do about P.E. check out this article
Exercising Character
by Nanci Smith
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Relational Homeschooling

Dear Friends,
Some of you have children who delight in running, jumping, climbing, and staying in constant motion. In the same household, you may also have children who delight in reading, writing, studying, and staying in one place.
Why is that? And how do we parent such different types of kids?
The answer is that each of your kids–and each person on the planet–has been wired from birth with certain kinds of intelligence. There are actually eight of these intelligences: Linguistic (word-smart), Math-Logical (number-smart), Bodily-Kinesthetic (body-smart), Interpersonal (people- smart), Intrapersonal (self-smart), Musical (music-smart), Visual-Spatial (sight-smart), and Naturalist (nature-smart).
Learning about these intelligences will pay huge dividends as you homeschool your children, because some educational options may be MUCH more important than you realized. And some things you thought were critical might come to be less valued.
For instance, if you have a constantly-in-motion daughter who wants to try out for soccer, that might be a GREAT use of time, energy, and skills for her. If you have a piano-plunking son who wants to take music lessons, that might be a GREAT use of time, energy, and skills for him. If you have eight children who each have different interests and abilities, you may have to make some practical choices about who gets to do what and when in order to preserve sanity in your household!
So, when it comes to sports, it may be the right thing and it may not be. Make the wisest, most loving decision you can, and revisit that decision next year!
However, when it comes to getting physical exercise, everyone needs to participate! Just like all of our kids need to learn to read and do math, all of our kids need to develop their physical coordination and their strength. Whether it’s biking or hiking or walking or running or hula-hooping, help your kids learn healthy habits for a lifetime by implementing daily physical exercise.
Remember, stay relational,
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The Familyman

My article for this week’s THM is a commercial … not for me, but for my favorite homeschool P.E. in the country: Saints International. It was started by one of my favorite Floridians, Coach Rick Andreassen.
Just a couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of seeing him in action again as he and his team led games for a Father/Daughter retreat in Tampa. As I watched, a sadness crept over me. “It’s just wrong that my kids don’t have something like this up in Northern Indiana.”
Afterwards, I talked to Coach Rick over dinner and learned that they have a complete Saints In A Box program along with an outlined plan to have your own Saints Homeschool P.E. wherever you live.
And now, a word to your husband. Dad, I don’t know what God is doing in your heart, but you could be the ONE who does P.E. for a homeschool group. Think about it, pray about it, and then listen to my podcast as I interview Coach Rick and see what God might have you do.
That concludes my mini-commercial. Have a great day and …
Be real,
PS. I’m speaking at a homeschool group in Lewisville, NC tomorrow night … then Marietta, GA, Cleremont, FL, Cross City, FL, Kissimmee, Brooksville, Lake Whales, and Jupiter. If you’re in those neck of the woods, make sure you stop by and say “hey”! For more details, see my speaking schedule.
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Dunwoody, GA
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Everett, WA
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