The Joys of Spring Nature Study

Spring! The time of rebirth! Everything is fresh and new. Flowers are back. Trees are budding.
Whenever I think of spring, I remember the scene in the Disney cartoon movie Bambi where all the baby animals are being born, the birds are singing, and flowers are everywhere. The animals are singing, “Spring, spring, spring!” It’s such a happy scene.
Spring is such a happy season and a great time to learn about life cycles and baby animals.
Trees Budding
After lying dormant all winter, the deciduous trees come back to life in spring with tiny little buds. They make everything beautiful, especially after the starkness of winter.
Fun & Rabbit Trails
- Deciduous vs. Evergreen
- Matching game: leaves, buds, blooms, and fruit for various trees
- Travel through the neighborhood or local park with a sketch pad and colored pencils to capture the beauty
- Travel through the neighborhood or local park with a camera and pencils to capture the beauty
- Read books about the life cycle of trees
One place to see amazing trees (and animals) is your closest national park. Exploring national parks is a great way to learn geography.
For more information, read Exploring Our National Parks HERE.
Baby Birds
Baby birds are born! Mommy and Daddy birds build their nests. Before too long, the eggs hatch, and they are busy catching worms and other delicacies to feed their young offspring.
Early in the morning, there is so much singing, too. Each species has its own unique song.
Fun & Rabbit Trails
- Look for birds bringing food to their little ones
- Look for bird nests – see how many you can find
- Make a bird feeder or bird bath for the backyard
- Record bird songs
- Photograph or sketch as many birds as you can
- Using binoculars and a bird guide, see how many different species live in your neighborhood or the local park
- Read books about birds
From Caterpillar to Butterfly
From a drab cocoon, the beautiful butterfly emerges flitting from place to place bringing smiles to people’s faces. The life cycle of a butterfly is fascinating, and children will love it if you purchase a Butterfly Growing Kit where they watch up close the miracle of caterpillar to butterfly.
Fun & Rabbit Trails
- Purchase and enjoy a Butterfly Growing Kit
- Plant a butterfly garden in your front or back yard
- Paint or color pictures of butterflies
- Using a butterfly net, catch butterflies and let them go
- Look at some photos of Victorian-era butterfly collections or there might be a museum with these treasures inside
- Read books on butterflies
April Showers
As new life begins to grow, God drenches the ground with rain, and thus those April showers bring May flowers. Be sure to put on rain boots and grab umbrellas to take at least one walk in the rain.
Fun & Rabbit Trails
- Keep a weather chart of temperature, precipitation, clouds, and wind
- Look at the clouds each morning and try to predict the weather
- Jump in a mud puddle
- Make mud pies
- Put some puddle water under a microscope and discover a whole new world
- Investigate umbrellas and rain boots – who invented them?
- Read books about rain
May Flowers
May brings forth vibrant colors and endless varieties of flowers brightening little corners of yards and parks throughout the city. Stop and notice the beautiful flower gardens in your world.
Fun & Rabbit Trails
- Plant a flower garden
- Sketch flowers
- Take apart a flower to examine the different parts and find out what they do
- Color pictures of flowers
- Press/Dry a flower to save as a memento
- Take photos of the prettiest flower gardens in your neighborhood
- Read books on flowers
Journaling Spring
Create a scrapbook this spring with photos, coloring pages, notes, drawing, diagrams, thoughts, and prayers inspired by spring.
What a lovely season! So often we are busy trying to finish up all our schoolwork that we forget to stop and notice its loveliness.
Be sure to soak up all the beauty and knowledge that spring holds for you and your children. You’ll be glad you did and have memories that last a lifetime.
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling,
Meredith Curtis
Meredith Curtis, homeschooling mom, writer, speaker, and publisher, loves to encourage families in their homeschooling adventure. She is the author of Travel God’s World Geography, Travel God’s World Cookbook, and HIS Story of the 20th Century. You can check out her books, curricula, unit studies, and Bible studies at Read her blogs at and listen to her at Finish Well Podcast.