The Wonder of Creation

What an amazing gift we’ve been given to be able to understand the detailed workings of Creation. The intricate nature of living things and the processes that occur throughout our world point to a Creator. Exploring God’s World with First Grade Science provides first graders with a full-year introduction to science. It includes text, experiments, activities, extension activities, and links to further resources. Students can learn about the observation of familiar things, common plants and animals, the beginning classification of living things, farm animals and care of pets, the sun as a source of energy, weather and seasons, light, the science of color, the five senses, and more. General Science with Steve Rosenoff of Red Wagon Tutorials provides middle school students print, video, and online resources originally designed to be used with the Apologia textbook Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd edition. However, it can be used as a standalone introduction to general science. Topics include history of science, scientific inquiry, geology, classification, and human anatomy.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine