The Young and the Reluctant

Sounds like the title of a new television show, doesn’t it? But, alas, it is real life for some of us. Our young ones are sometimes a bit reluctant to read or work on their math. has some new courses that can help. Growing Readers with Erin Dean is geared toward elementary and middle school students who need to get hooked on a good story before they are willing to spend time with a book. These monthly book recommendations with a variety of related activities are designed to do exactly that. Hands-on activities and engaging stories are the focus of this series. Multiplication and Division: Practice Unit with Sally Winchester is a series of 24 lessons designed to help parents of elementary students teach multiplication and division through examples and practice problems. It is a great review unit for an elementary math class and can be done at the student’s own pace. The multiplication unit uses an area model, or box model, to teach the concepts, and the division unit begins with basic times table division.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC