Time-Out for Mommies

I don’t know about you, but sometimes (okay, many times) I have to send my kids to a room or a chair to just chill out! It usually is met with protests, but as a general rule, works wonders to cool down tempers or make friends out of hostile siblings again. Lately, I’ve been reading a wonderful book called, “Mother Culture,” and I am now firmly convinced that as a momma, I need many time-outs, many times, for my attitudes.
I have really been convicted lately that my poor attitude contributes to an atmosphere of peevishness and stress in our home. But, I’m not content to leave it at that. I’m attacking it from all fronts!
First, I’m making my morning Bible reading an absolute priority. Before anything else, even checking my email, I sit down and read my Bible. No, I don’t spend hours at it (I don’t have hours), but the 5-15 minutes I do spend reading it sets me up for a smoother attitude.
Then I also try to make it a point not to answer harshly or sharply, even when I’m upset with the kids. It really does nothing but escalate the situation. I try to pray when I’m tempted to get grouchy, and intentionally lower my voice instead of giving into raising it.
Another thing I’m doing is just getting the kids and myself outside more. This is a huge help to my sanity.
Of course, I’m far from perfect, but I believe God wants and expects far more from me than from my children. So, if snappy answers aren’t allowed from them, why should I get to be snappy? If grouchy boys and girls getting a talking-to from Mom, why don’t I have a chat with Jesus when I’m grouchy? Remember, a soft answer really does turn away wrath, and while we should teach that to our children, we should also model it to them!
I’m a constant work in progress, but I think we would all benefit from a time-out. A time to just sit and calm down, gather our thoughts and rearrange our attitudes! Maybe more time-outs for Mommies would result in less time-outs for the kids. Just a thought! 🙂
Jenny is a wife to her amazing husband of 17 years and stay-at-home momma to 3 kids with another on the way. She blogs at https://www.inconvenientfamily.com where she is learning that blessings aren’t always convenient.