Top Ways to Banish Homeschool Burnout

Are you struggling with feelings of anxiety and fatigue in your homeschool? You’re not alone. The month of February is famously known as the “homeschool burnout” month. You gave it your all for the first 4 months of the school year, and then the Christmas season brought a refreshing break. January presented itself with a renewed energy – that lasted all of two weeks. Now, you’re desperately seeking the light at the end of the tunnel.
Burnout doesn’t just mean physical exhaustion. It includes the emotional, mental, and spiritual side as well. If this sounds like you, perhaps you’re experiencing homeschool burnout. The good news is that the feeling doesn’t have to last. Here are some ways you can banish the homeschool burnout and capture the long-lost joy of homeschooling.
Take A Break
I know you’re thinking, “Seriously? We just had one of those!” Let me encourage you to think differently about “taking a break.” Depending on how many children you’re teaching, everyone could use a daily break. A break can consist of taking the textbooks outside for a class or two or even closing the books away for the day and doing a relaxing nature study.
Consider taking a field trip for the day or inviting some friends over for a morning of crafts and conversation. Some other “break” ideas include:
- Institute a weekly educational game day
- Plan a reading hour
- Institute a theme day
- Take a week and do a fun unit study
- Have a picnic in your living room while you talk about your favorite book
While this “break” may not last two weeks, shifting from your normal schedule will banish the burn out quickly and refresh your weary soul.
Attend A Homeschool Conference
If you’ve never had the blessing of attending an educational conference, let me encourage you to make it happen! Schools across the nation schedule time for their teachers to attend them every year. Why not homeschool teachers as well? These conferences have numerous speakers who offer fountains of wisdom from years of experience. I’ve always been refreshed and renewed after attending.
Can’t make it to a live conference? Many online homeschool conferences have options you can choose from. Who wouldn’t want to attend a conference in their yoga pants with unlimited coffee while the kiddos play all day? I highly recommend it.
Change Up Curriculum
There’s no shame in switching up your homeschool curriculum in the middle of the school year. What happens when you make a favorite recipe for dinner and it’s a total disaster? You try it again, but you do it differently next time. The same principle applies here.
As parents, we know that the same curriculum may not work for every student. The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to make a change if you see something isn’t working for one of your students.
Don’t let homeschool burnout steal your joy! Take a break, rethink, and recharge with brand new enjoy and joy.
Danielle is a former classroom teacher turned “work-from-home” and homeschooling mother of two. She now spends her days teaching her children, reading numerous books, and sharing her gifts with others. She blogs about her adventures at