Unwinding from the Hustle and Bustle

You may be in the midst of the Christmas season and anticipating the New Year, but what happens when it’s all over and your left with wrapping paper everywhere, leftover turkey or ham, and decorations that need to be taken down? Well, SchoolhouseTeachers.com has some suggestions.
If you’re wondering what to do with the leftovers or you can’t imagine eating one more bite of ham or sweet potato casserole, check out This Month’s Menu. We have an entire year of recipes, from breakfast to dessert and everything in between. You’ll find soups, appetizers, entrees, side dishes, and more. Don’t just stick to December or January’s menu, however. Any of these delicious dishes can be enjoyed throughout the year. What about the house? Is it a mess now that everyone is gone? Are you ready to take down the tree and become a more organized person? Everyday Organization with Leslie Jacobs, 116 organizational tips for simplifying your house and your life can help. Enjoy 116 tips for organizing your home and your life!
Did you take a lot of pictures during the holidays? How about your kids? How did they turn out? Many of us don’t know the first thing about taking a good picture. All I do is point the camera on my phone and click the button. If you or your kids would like to learn more about photography so you can take outstanding pictures throughout the year, and especially during next year’s holiday season, try our Photography course with Michele Peterson. Everybody can enjoy this 30-week course of text-based lessons and original photography covering topics such as the functions of the camera, composition and elements of design, and more. As an extra bonus, if the student takes all 30 weeks and completes all the assignments, he/she can earn one-half credit toward the high school transcript.
Tammie Bairen
Editor, SchoolhouseTeachers.com
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine