Useful Units

Does it seem these days like learning comes easier in bite-sized chunks? has dozens of these chunks; we just call them unit studies. Many of our semester-long and full-year classes are designed as unit studies where many topics are broken down into manageable, useful units; however, there are other smaller unit studies that cover only one topic. Creation Club Science is an example of a longer course with monthly useful units. Designed for elementary and middle school students, David Rives and Kally Horn help your children see the evidence of God’s hand all around them, from the tiny hummingbird to the planets and stars. Each unit focuses on a topic and explores it through short videos, study questions, activities, and research. This course presents science and nature from a Christian worldview with an emphasis on Creation. Unit Studies and More is an example of smaller, stand-alone units. They have been collected into one place to make it easier for you to pick and choose those that will enrich your homeschool curriculum best. Some examples are Introduction to Colors by Jennifer Hawkins, Independent Thought in an Evolution-Soaked World, Part 1 and 2 by Dr. Alex McFarland, Presidents of the Past, and The Story of Energy by Bonnie Rose Hudson.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine