Using Literature to Teach Measurement

Many of us use a curriculum to teach math, but using literature to teach math can be a great teaching tool. I am continuing this math literature series with some of the best books to teach measurement. With my love for literature and math, it only makes sense to combine the two so I have gathered some of my favorite books that teach measurement in the elementary classroom.
How Tall, How Short, How Far Away by David Adler introduces children to the history of measurement from ancient Egyptian cubits to Roman paces, the English inch-pound system to the standard metric system. The text engages the reader with hands-on activities like measuring your height, pacing your neighborhood, making a metric ruler, and determining distances in kilometers.
How Long or How Wide? A Measuring Guide by Brian Cleary uses rhyming text and clever examples while cats compare metric and American units of length and show the tools used to make the measurements. The colorful, cartoon-like cats present the measurements using examples such as a desk, door, headboard, and dime. It’s a fun way to teach a measurement lesson.
Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy is a family favorite that teaches measurement. For her homework, Lisa must measure something as many ways as she can so she decides to measure her dog, Penny. Once she starts the assignment, she catches the spirit and seemingly can’t stop measuring everything she sees!
Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni introduces children to a winning, winsome inchworm who can measure anything under the sun, from a robin’s tail to a toucan’s beak. When a hungry nightingale threatens to eat him for breakfast unless he can measure her song, the inchworm cleverly solves the dilemma. This is a whimsical and sweet picture book that asks, “Can a song be measured?”
These are only a few of my favorite books that teach measurement; there are so many more out there! Feel free to share in the comments what you consider the best book to teach measurement.
Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.