What Will They Be?

It’s hard to imagine what our preschoolers will do for a living two decades down the road or in which direction God will lead them, but you can introduce them to different professions through ABC What Will I Be? Alecia Francois will be providing twenty-six weekly lessons that look at various professions through the use of printables, links to resources such as book lists, music, etc., and, of course, hands-on activities. For example, for the letter H kids will learn about horse trainers and firefighters for the letter F. Middle school and high school students who are in the process of planning for their futures can join Carol Topp for Career Exploration. This eight-week course will provide students the opportunity to explore career possibilities, discover talents and interests, and discern God’s will for their lives through informative articles, self-inventory worksheets, and relevant websites.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC