What’s In a Name?

Names have meaning. Nowhere is this more evident than in Scripture. God gave people names for very specific reasons. He even changed people’s names to reflect their new relationship with Him. God Himself has many different names. Elementary students can learn these names through a series of ten downloadable picture books in the new course, Donkey Ollie and the Names of God. Donkey Ollie and his friends learn what some of God’s names mean, such as Alpha and Omega, the Good Shepherd, Heavenly Father, the Word of God, our Redeemer, Creator, Almighty God, God our Healer, God our Provider, and the Lord of Hosts. Younger students can grow closer to God as well through From Aardvark to Zucchini. Twenty-six entertaining and educational animated videos help preschoolers learn their letters while they discover that they can talk to God any time about anything at all! The videos are full of rhymes, songs, age-appropriate discussion questions, dancing, and more. Created by Vision Video, this series is a wonderful introduction to prayer for preschoolers. The mission of Vision Video is to produce and distribute visual media that communicates the Gospel in a winsome and convincing way that connects with contemporary audiences. May you be blessed as you learn more about our Lord!
Tammie Bairen
Editor, SchoolhouseTeachers.com
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine