When You Need Motivation

Don’t let the all perky homeschool Pinterest posts fool you. Every homeschool goes through rough patches. It’s real life. And real life is filled with real problems. It is not uncommon for homeschool mommas to have seasons of burnout and exhaustion.
Let’s face it. That laundry doesn’t do itself and somebody has to feed the children. You throw long division in the mix and things can get pretty hairy around the house. And we haven’t even talked about all the other things that life can throw our way.
It can be easy to lose the homeschool momma mojo. If you currently find yourself “mojo-less” I might have a suggestion or two for you.
Take care of yourself. I mean it. Are you getting enough sleep? Obviously, if you are the momma of itty bitty children you aren’t sleeping a whole lot. Are you healthy? Are there any health issue you need to address? If you are dealing with chronic illness it is especially important that you handle yourself with tender loving care.
Relax. Really. Maybe you and your family need a break. This is why we homeschool. We aren’t bound to the public school calendar. Plan a movie marathon or a couple of days of read-alouds. Or just take some time to rest and reboot. There is nothing wrong with taking a brief sabbatical.
Take care of your Spirit. Be sure you are setting aside time for devotion and reflection. In whatever form it takes in your life…don’t neglect that side of your growth and well-being. Whether you take time to write the Word or spend those precious minutes in your prayer closet, you are pouring Life into your soul. Don’t let guilt take that away from you. Feeding your spirit is more important than laundry or long division.
Plan some fun. All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl. The beauty about fun is that it can also be educational. Hands-on projects can add volumes to a homeschool day. There isn’t anything that says a pencil and paper is the only worthwhile homeschool tool. Salt dough maps, mad-science experiments, ragamuffin Shakespeare productions, “chopped” kitchen competitions, and homegrown poetry jams all make for a vibrant homeschool.
Brainstorm. Brain dump….Whatever you like to call it. Sit down every day and write down what’s in your head. What are your goals for your homeschool? What are its challenges? What are your hopes and dreams for your kids? What is good in your life? Incorporating brainstorming into your homeschool life can help clear the cobwebs away. This practice is also good for the kiddos. We like to incorporate free journaling or “morning pages” into our homeschool weekly.
Podcasts and Motivational videos. Sometimes we just need the wisdom of many counselors. There are so many resources available to us as homeschoolers. In fact, I have a list of my favorites on my blog you can take a look at your leisure. One of the keys of successful homeschooling is being willing to further your education. We aren’t talking about enrolling in college (unless that’s your heart). But be willing to read, listen, watch…AND learn. I like sitting down with a cup of hot tea and a notebook.
Stay Active. Oh, my friends, this is so important. There is nothing better than a trip around the neighborhood to clear one’s head. Or how about a casual nature walk. Even scheduling a daily dance party in the middle of the living room can make a world of difference. Just move whatever you can, whenever you can.
Most importantly, you’re not alone. Give yourself a break. It is not uncommon to feel alone and defeated from time to time in this homeschool life. It’s a marathon…not a sprint. Just remember this: You are doing a marvelous job with those babies. You have a whole community of homeschool moms and dads wanting you to succeed. We are all rooting for you!
Rebekah Teague is the homeschooling mama to one busy and beautiful boy. She is married to The Muffin who is a pastor and a really great guy. In her spare time she can be found with a book and a cup of tea. She blogs at There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining