Where Are You Headed?

Throughout our lives, we are faced with crossroads and forks. The direction we choose might determine the outcome of our lives. The direction we choose might not be the direction God has for us, and so He turns us around. One of those directions might be pastoring a church. If your high school student feels a call to the ministry, So, You Want to Be a Pastor is a course that should not be missed. This RightNow Media Original, available on SchoolhouseTeachers.com, is an incredible video course with more than 300 video clips totaling over 22 hours of content and more than 1,000 study questions covering topics such as Pastor Basics with videos like Dangerous Calling, Biblical Authority in an Age of Uncertainty, From Mud to Masterpiece, What Is Church? A Church’s Response to “Soul Weariness,” Awkward Texts and Unfamiliar Books, Building Confidence in Your Team, Changing the World Through God’s Word, Dealing with Conflict, Handling the Tough Questions, Life Lessons for Young Pastors, Move Students from Spectators to Participants, How Should We Approach World Missions? Missions in the Local Church, Global Trends in Missions, and much, much more.
What could be more basic about directions than maps? All About Maps is a course for kindergartners through eighth graders that starts with basic map skills, including directions and the compass rose, and advances through a study of latitude and longitude, various types of maps, natural resources, how settlement and war have impacted political maps, natural disasters, and natural hazards. It is comprised of nine units, with each unit increasing in difficulty and grade level. Kindergartners learn to create maps of familiar places and develop a sense of awareness of geographical location. First graders learn about the types of maps, the compass rose, cardinal directions, and continents and countries. As the grades progress, students learn about the equator and hemispheres, street maps, latitude and longitude, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, International Date Line, natural resources, Mercator Projection, time zones, how the United States has changed over time, types of settlements, town planning, natural disasters and natural hazards, droughts and floods, tropical cyclones, earthquakes, and so on.
Tammie Bairen
Editor, SchoolhouseTeachers.com
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine